Now You’re Talking Network Newsletter: Building Resilience and the Importance of Reflection (Nov 2020)

Now You’re Talking Network Team
Now You’re Talking
3 min readNov 23, 2020

Welcome! We share a short extract from our monthly newsletter on Medium. Check it out below.

Hey you!

Mary here, and welcome to Now You’re Talking Network’s November newsletter edition! It’s now officially nearly a month till Christmas but really we are just trying to make it to 2021 with no more surprises. Here in the UK we are back in Lockdown and although we have been through it before, something about Winter is making this harder for most!

Here are 5 Top Tips for Building Resilience:

  1. Defy stereotypes — in our recent Instagram Live with Rebekah, Change Coach and Head of Business Transformation, Rebekah shared how she defied stereotypes against her being a young mother to succeed in the corporate world. Not just bouncing back but bouncing forward!
  2. Embrace Gratitude — The more you become accustomed to documenting, reflecting and sharing your wins the more likely you are to persevere and keep up the positive work.
  3. Remember to be patient — In which aspects of your work and life can you accept you are on a journey of growth and discovery? Life is long, stop rushing yourself!
  4. Protect your time — Do you feel like your days run you recently? Utilise calendar blocking to get into the practice of protecting your time. Remember that breaks and check-ins with work friends are healthy and are just as important as team meetings.
  5. Create Psychological safety — This is the idea behind how we can create environments that reward vulnerability, where it is received positively to share how you honestly feel. Simple ways to do this include — truly being present in meetings, not setting a time limit on small talk to understand how everyone is, sharing your personal challenges and embracing a culture of failure and if you’re like me jumping on Clubhouse to hear others share thought-provoking and honest stories

And as we wrap up the year, we want to take the time out to reflect.

Join us for our final Accountability session and final event of 2020 on Thursday 10th December where we will chat about Reflecting and Reviewing on 2020 with a group of like-minded and welcoming women. We will discuss some reflection techniques and share how to progress forward from the lessons from this year.


The rest of this newsletter includes:

  • Audio you need in your life
  • Articles worth the extra browser tab
  • How you can join our team!

What are you waiting for? Sign up for yourself here.



Now You’re Talking Network Team
Now You’re Talking

The go-to place for female millennials to level up personally and professionally to earn more and be more confident