Now You’re Talking Network Newsletter: Networking but make it virtual (July 2020)

Now You’re Talking Network Team
Now You’re Talking
3 min readJul 20, 2020

Welcome! We share a short extract from our monthly newsletter on Medium. Check it out below.

Now You’re Talking Network Newsletter — July 2020 Edition


I hope you are happy and healthy. Mary here and welcome to Now You’re Talking Network’s July edition: Networking but make it virtual.

Networking although difficult is still just as important in a remote working world. COVID-19 has accelerated change in the way we build relationships. So whether you are looking for funding for your business, trying to broaden your network or looking for a new job, virtual networking is vital! I am personally a big fan of virtual networking. It is faster and more convenient. Since the beginning of lockdown, I have had more than 20 coffee chats with new and old connections, gained 3 new mentors of varying experiences and started 2 new reverse mentoring relationships. I’ve truly learnt a lot from every single conversation and I know you can too.

So here are 4 simple virtual networking tips.

  1. Engage in online events — don’t just passively attend, introduce yourself to others
  2. Schedule at least one virtual coffee a week — search your LinkedIn for the people that impress you most and reach out and ask for a virtual coffee chat
  3. Shoot your shot — reach out to a senior individual to ask for a mentoring conversation about how to navigate your career and showcase your value during the pandemic
  4. Share your passions on social media — share something that interests you and have follow up conversations with those that engage with your post
  5. Lend a hand — Reach out to some enthusiastic students who you could offer some career guidance to, could be the start of a reverse mentoring relationship


We have now concluded our Thrive workshop Instagram live series which prepare you for the content we will be covering in the Thrive PIE Career workshops. The live sessions covered the topics below, click on the links to watch the recordings:

All I can say is so many gems! Grab a notebook and pen.


Who is it for?

  • Anyone considering actionable tips on how to showcase their value at work
  • Anyone looking to level up their personal brand
  • Anyone keen to network with like-minded women

Now is the time for you to thrive! All sessions take place on Thursday evenings (7.00- 8.15pm GMT+1) and you will have a two-week break between them to complete take-home tasks and put into action their learnings — all sessions will be recorded and sent to your mailbox too!

Tickets and more information here.

The rest of this newsletter includes:

  • Articles worth the extra browser tab
  • Audio you need in your life
  • Opportunities you can’t miss
  • Network shout outs
  • Tweet to keep you positive about the future!

What are you waiting for? Sign up for yourself here.



Now You’re Talking Network Team
Now You’re Talking

The go-to place for female millennials to level up personally and professionally to earn more and be more confident