Now You’re Talking Network Newsletter: What does IWD mean to you? (March 2021)

Now You’re Talking Network Team
Now You’re Talking
4 min readMar 23, 2021

Welcome! We share a short extract from our monthly newsletter on Medium. Check it out below.

We are excited to bring to you this month’s Newsletter. To start, we ask two of our team, What does International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month mean to you?

I’m Kofo and I’m a current gap year student, freelance writer and a GCSE & A-Level tutor. I’m so excited to be a part of the NYT Network’s team and can’t wait to connect with more people! There is so much amazing work being done right now, whether that’s to increase the representation of women in education, tech, management or in creative fields. However, as the theme for this year: ‘Choose to Challenge’ suggests, sometimes it’s about having the difficult conversations. It might be asking how much awareness there is around the issues young women face in different parts of the world. We campaign for greater access to education but when that young girl gets into school, does she have access to sanitary products all year round? Does she have the resources needed to sustain an academic year? Upon graduation, does she have the opportunity to access the industry she wants to?

These questions barely scratch the surface but therein lies part of the beauty. No woman is an island so for me, IWD is a chance to look, reflect and encourage the work being done by so many women locally and globally. It’s a chance to remind myself which role I’d like to play in this change, whether that’s through writing, law, education or baking. It’s a reminder that a collection of little rain drops eventually lead to a stream, with every single drop having its role to play. Happy International Women’s Day! (a cheeky book recommendation from me: ‘The Kabul Beauty School: a beautiful read.)

Hey everyone. My name is Bayode, and I am also grateful to be writing to you guys as a new addition of the Now You’re Talking Team. I currently study Law at the University of Warwick, I am also an 11+ tutor, photographer and in the process of becoming a business owner. Yes, you’re probably thinking boss babe, but all I can think about is when I will next get a good night’s sleep!

Meet Kofo and Bayode!

As Kofo has already explained; with March comes International Women’s Day. A time to remember women, to honour their contribution to society but most importantly a time to reflect. I view IWD as an opportunity for me to see how far I have come. Yes, I know I am young and like some would say “you have your whole life ahead of you” but that doesn’t stop me. I take pride in knowing that I am one step closer to achieving my goals. I take pride in knowing that I am a young adult who is paving a way for younger generations. I have hopes to inspire, motivate and help people. I could be here all day expressing the change that I want to make but I will save that for another time. Maybe when Boris lets us outside and I can meet some of you in person?

I challenge you to first congratulate yourself. Whether you’re in your 20s or 30s, tell yourself well done because you’ve come a long way and you’ve achieved things that some could not dream off. Job promotion? Well done. New house? Well done. You did that.

Secondly, I challenge you to reflect on what else you want to achieve in your lifetime. What do you want to be remembered for? What impact do you want to make? Finally, I challenge you to rest. Take a break. Reward yourself.

Happy International Women’s Day, it’s for us.

Upcoming Instagram Lives:

Missed our Instagram Live on Myth-Busting Money for Millennials? No worries, it’s saved on our page! Watch here to learn about all things limiting money mindsets, salary negotiation, to investing and building discipline during the pandemic. We answer 10+ of your questions on Money.

Join us for our next conversation on Thursday!

Key messages from our IWD Show & Tell

The rest of this newsletter includes:

  • Our opportunities corner
  • Audio you need in your life
  • What the network has been up to

What are you waiting for? Sign up for yourself here.



Now You’re Talking Network Team
Now You’re Talking

The go-to place for female millennials to level up personally and professionally to earn more and be more confident