The Power of Goal-Setting and Vision Boards

A Millennial’s Diary
Now You’re Talking
4 min readJan 2, 2020


‪‘Success is achieved twice. Once in the mind and the second time in the real world.’‬ ‪

How often do you take the time out to reflect on what your end goal is? Where you want to be in 5, 10 or even 15 years’ time?

I am passionate about the power of goal-setting and the idea of confronting and manifesting your wildest dreams.

On Monday 16th December 2019, several ladies from the Now You’re Talking network gathered to create vision boards, reflected on lessons learnt and plan for the year and decade ahead. It was a casual and relaxed affair as we created physical vision boards and shared some of our successes from the past year.

Here is an idea of what went down at the event.

After playing a gratitude game and completing a life audit exercise, we jumped straight into the vision board theory.

So what is a vision board? A vision board is a collage of words, images and affirmations of your dreams and goals, created to inspire and motivate you throughout the year.

Some great words we found in your everyday magazines!

We spoke about how to make a vision board that works for YOU. Some people prefer majority words, others majority pictures on their vision board. One attendee even turned her vision board into monthly…



A Millennial’s Diary
Now You’re Talking

Blog covering all things personal development and careers from a 20-something millennial working in Fintech