Education in India: More than just schools

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3 min readJul 16, 2018

Education is an integral part of middle India. It is more than just going to school and learning. It is considered a key to better future. Something that can change your life for good. Every Indian parent aspires to provide the best education that they can for their children, even going beyond their means, at times. This is in spite of the existing public education system, which struggles to provide proper education. The shortcoming of the public education system have provided an opportunity for the private sector to make inroads and fill the gap.

There is a parallel education delivery system that we forget to acknowledge and give due recognition, and these are the tuition and coaching classes. Whether it is a single teacher who is providing their services to a bunch of students, or big professional coaching institutes that handle hundreds of students in a single batch, each one of them is trying to provide focused, quality education.

As per a survey done by ASSOCHAM, about 87% of primary and 95% of higher secondary school children take private coaching classes. And with every passing year, the children relying on them is only increasing.

Though booming, the tuition and coaching business still remains mostly unorganized and localized. In most Indian cities, you might find specific areas where these centres mushroom. And, if you have visited these areas, it isn’t easy to identify and differentiate one centre from other, as they are mostly drowned in general hoardings and banners.

So, how does one find the right coaching centre? And what about quality tuitions and coaching institutes in your locality? Centres and teachers that cover specific subjects? Parents and students are searching for them. They are checking everywhere. And in present times, more than anywhere, they are searching for them online.

If you are a professional coaching centre, private tuition class, vocational training centre, music, and cooking class, etc. it is imperative that you should be on the internet. And the nature of this business is such that your presence has to be more than just a listing in a portal, which is as good as being in one of those coaching hubs of your city, drowned in hoarding and banners. You need the right online platform to present your offerings that highlights your achievements and achievers, and helps you build a credible brand.

NowFloats, with its Boost product, provides an effective solution for you. It helps you create a search-optimized business website that when updated, regularly and relevantly, attracts more online traffic to your website and hence more students to your centre.

The key features specific to this solution are,

  • Popular courses: List the courses that are your best and strong offerings
  • Upcoming batches: Market open seats for upcoming classes and batches, and allow students to register, in time
  • Our faculty: Gain credibility by highlighting your team of experts and the experience they bring
  • Our toppers: Build trust by showing off your top achievers
  • Other features: In addition to above, the solution provides banner slider, bulletin board, announcements, statistics, search, help, about us, all in a responsive site

To know more, watch a quick video and check the demo site,

So, if you are ready to try NowFloats, drop an email to or call 1860–123–1233.




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