A Spiritual Discourse

Tony Frank
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2023


The stories we harbour yet not share

As spiritual beings, we often hesitate to share our experiences due to concerns about how they will be received and how they might reflect on us. However, true growth and understanding between individuals can only be achieved through the sharing of our experiences and embracing vulnerability. When we let our guard down, we open ourselves up to deep conversations that were once considered taboo.

In recent times, many aspects of life have taken a distorted turn due to the lack of spirituality intertwined within them. One such area is sexuality, specifically in relation to sex. It has been said that the world would be a better place if we had more sex, but this statement overlooks an important factor — sexuality should be guided by spiritual principles.

The prevalence of pornographic material has distorted the way men perceive and experience women, and I have personally experienced the negative impact of this.

I recently came across some articles on sex that explored its spiritual dimensions rather than presenting it in a purely erotic manner. It was a refreshing perspective that didn’t reduce it to animalistic instincts but tapped into a creative perspective and helped me gain a new understanding. That is due to people sharing their stories. Openly.

One struggle I have faced, and continue to face to some extent, is how I view women. When I encounter a beautiful woman, I find myself overwhelmed with thoughts and a desire to appreciate their inherent perfection. At times, I have felt ashamed of these thoughts, but I have come to realize that this shame stems from the current perversion surrounding the topic of sexuality.

It is perfectly acceptable to admire women, but it crosses a line when done in a vulgar manner, by this I mean complementing beautiful people in a way it objectifies them. Objectifying them for mere pleasure.

I understand the fine line between appreciating beauty and becoming animalistic in my thoughts and actions. I at times fear how my attention may be perceived so I avoid eye contact or feeling ashamed of my genuine admiration. I despise that feeling.

Moving forward, I believe that speaking openly about our experiences is the only way to integrate spirituality into our sexuality. About experiences that serve us and do not. So that we can learn and grow without abandoning anyone.

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

As sexual beings, we must engage in conversations with one another to distinguish divinity from perversion.

These conversations should encompass a wide range of experiences, including sharing supernatural stories we were once too afraid to talk about, discussing potentially sensual and erotic dreams that may hold deeper meanings, and exploring intimacy in all its forms within the material realm. Unfortunately, it is challenging to find meaningful resources on this subject as popular search engines often limit their discussions to the superficial and choreographed aspects of sex, lacking a true understanding of fulfilling and meaningful sexual experiences.

I refuse to be shy or fear judgment when I am eager to share this part of myself. If I, as an individual, feel this way, I am confident that many others share similar sentiments. I truly believe that we are living during a transformative time and that we must be honest and open in order to learn about ourselves and teach others about love, acceptance, and the various forms of divinity that exist.



Tony Frank

A learner of all things who shares his exciting and interesting finds.