Embracing the Darkness

A cozy morning story

Kelley Murphy
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2023


Image collaged by Author in CanvaPro

In my


the world around me sleeps. A few errant partiers slip into cars and drive off into the night, laughter and rock music follows them then dissipates into the early morning.

And all is still and dark.

Safe and warm. A time of hygge.

The coffee gurgles as it brews. In the spaces, heat hums through the vents. Filling the air with warmth, such a dichotomy from the frigid air outside.

Why is it so cold?

Sometimes I think if it weren’t for my dogs and cold weather, I’d have nothing to write about.

I try to be grateful.


The smell of spring is present, despite the frost on the grass. I inhale deeply and think of my father.

Always my father in the spring. Four years ago, Pop, Jess, and I would be planning our visit to the fly fishing show. A day filled with lures and reels, waders and filaments, exquisitely made bamboo rods, and free beer.

Did you know that beer was invented by women?


