Fiery Lights

Twilight’s shared rainbow

Jenny Starr✨
Published in
May 14, 2024


Image licensed from Canva Pro with text added by author

Feiry Lights

I see you singing,
Late in the night.
Your dancing feet,
Of sweet emerald light.

Twilights shared rainbow,
Feiry delight.
Late night’s lost sent’nil,
Flowering the night.

Love needed reason,
To draw in the air.
Aurora, her companion,
Showed her how fair.

Brought this one out to celebrate all the energy being poured over us by our brilliant Star. It is the dance of Gaia and Sol in Love’s energetic entwinement and their movements make magic in the heavens…

For more of my poetic work…

My Poetic Journey

248 stories



Jenny Starr✨

A transgender woman (she/they) learning her way in this beautiful life…queer, curious, thoughtful. I write poetry, LGBTQ and whatever else stirs my spirit...