Graduation Day

Vivid Dream 17

Ben Ulansey


Image created by author in Dream app

This is a piece in a growing series of mine about dreams and lucid dreaming. In these stories, I give first-person accountings of some of the dreams that I have each night. Identities and locations can shift around with little to no warning and the narratives don’t follow typical plot structures. For more of these stories, click here.

I’m sitting in the car with my friends Isaiah and Nasir as we make our way to our high school graduation. It’s only the afternoon, but as I look at my phone I can see from my Snapchat feed that the ceremony has already begun. We’re arriving a few minutes late and everybody in the auditorium is already seated in formal attire.

As we pull into the school parking lot, it’s surprisingly empty for just how many parents and students appear to be inside. Isaiah parks the car, but as he does, he presses a wrong button by mistake. Suddenly, with a series of clicks, whirs and jolts, the vehicle mechanically inclines itself toward the sky. The car goes from directly facing the school in which we’ve spent these last few years to obliquely gazing toward the clouds hovering above it.

The day is still and the sky a wistful blue. As the car appears almost to ready itself for a fiery blastoff into the atmosphere, I make a joke in a true to form manner. In real life, I sometimes give unhelpful driving…



Ben Ulansey
Writer for

Writer, musician, dog whisperer, video game enthusiast and amateur lucid dreamer. I write memoirs, satires, philosophical treatises and everything in between 🐙