I, Angel of Forgiveness

Joejohn Black
Published in
1 min readJan 7, 2023


Am infinite sacrifice — oblivious to sympathy from Gods and Devils.

AI Generation — Author w/ DreamStudio

I am divine energy delivered
to your endurance of
life’s spilled soured wine
and barbed withered roses.
Inter-being strength
to tread with you
upon your tedious repast
of haunted yore as
you learn to love away
its ghastly presence.

I will answer your call
as my lives are nothing more
than wisps of time
to be mauled, hugged, and forgotten
while bearing the horror
of your unspeakable truth.
For I am the energy
that binds the truest blood
most righteous bones and
uncorrupted flesh a rebirth has to offer.

Sacrifice is my
oblivious gift of love
forever reborn and regifted.
Oblivion is my dwelling as pure conversion
keeps no score or reward.
I, your forgiving Angel, am
the permanence of transforming
this for that — resolved by
sending the ill-winded and grateful to their rightful places
within endless waves of quantum possibility.

The quantum mesh our minds interface with is alive and Inter-being.

Joejohn Black – from daily Nowisms.



Joejohn Black

Now dissecting thoughts and emotions, pinning words, then commentary to the facets, curating and sharing them as legends of my being. Then they’re on their own.