In 5th Grade

What’s happening now: A photo story of my classroom today

Samantha Lazar
Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2023


Selfie of me in three stages. I can’t take pics of my students, of course. (photo by author)

It’s Fri(yay) of the first week back from spring break. I’m exhausted but feeling better- healing from a vacation filled with bronchitis. Lucky me. Some artificial intelligence has been stalking me, obviously, because I am getting Instagram ads for Thinx. Don’t look it up. Here is the truth: It’s underwear for bladder leaks. Should I invest?

My classroom library love (photo by author)

At the moment we are in a social studies class. My students are having a “tea party.” It’s a role-play activity where each student is a different character from the Mexico-America war. They are getting to know the different perspectives of the people affected during this time period. There is a lively discussion going on. Some of the kids are really getting into character!

A messy desk is a sign of intelligence right? Photo of curriculum materials. (Photo by author).

In our English Language Arts class, I am teaching about immigration to the United States. In particular, we are studying history through a multicultural lens. I hope this shows you that not all schools are silencing the truth.



Samantha Lazar

Poetry, fiction, and essays in celebration of being a lover of life.