
Something we are taught not to chase after.

Tony Frank
3 min readJun 16, 2023


Photo by Daniele D’Andreti on Unsplash

I encountered the world of orgasms during my childhood, introduced to it by individuals who harboured ill intentions towards me.

Sadly, I was under the age of 12 at the time. Nowadays, I witness similar patterns unfolding in the lives of others, be it through explicit pornography, distorted sex education policies in schools, or even prematurely encountered books.

The analogy I draw from this is that just like a climax in a story, these experiences do not originate in the prologue but rather occur at a specific point within our personal narratives.

Now let me set aside my pretentious ways of writing so I can get down and dirty.

Point is, climax in a story does not start in the prologue but takes place in a specific point in the story. Our story.

When a climax is introduced a little too early in a play it takes away the fun. *wink*

What I’m trying to get at here is that when we are introduced to sacred arts and practises too early it can work against us and my life is a living testament.

But I’ll share what I learned after a bad introduction.

I learned that an orgasm is sacred, even more so when achieved with another being. Not for the ultra catholic reasons you may assume.

It is sacred because it is you moving the veil aside to see God. To experience God.

Often why women scream, moan and whisper “Oh God”.

In truth they do see God.

We were once indoctrinated to believe God is a person but if God could be a feeling I assure you it is an orgasm.

An orgasm that is not only the result of two animals brawling but two souls dancing in sync.

Could be both but one is far superior.

It is interesting to note that we are not created by our parents and our mother does not form us in a way.

Our parents merely create a vessel for us to be introduced into this world.

In that sense, we merely come through our mother, not from her.

But from where you may ask ? well, you can assume from heaven, or some other fancy word for a place that exists somewhere in-between.

If two souls remove the veil to see God sitting in Heaven — an act called orgasm, there is a good chance light escapes heaven to come experience God, in a way as the two souls did.

After all, we all want to see God in all his wondrous ways.

We all want to experience an orgasmic glimpse of his presence.

I see God when she blushes for me.

For the blood in her skin rushes to meet mine. God is there too.

I see God in sex where we become so in love with each other we end up inside each other somehow.

When we love something we want to be so damn close to it don’t we.

An expression of that can be seen in a handshake where we love but don’t know the person.

When we know, we hug.

When we really want to know we are on top of each other, sideways, backwards, bent over here, there and in all ways imaginable.

Oh boy — through that act we realise who we are.

It is like we are here to experience God in many ways.

Maybe God himself picked himself apart and sent the pieces to the material realm to witness himself.

In all the orgasmic ways.



Tony Frank

A learner of all things who shares his exciting and interesting finds.