An illustrated heart within it, there are stars, a universe, and all different colors, the heart seems to be floating in timeless space : )
Art and photo by Author Jenny Lane and Aiartist in Dream 💕

Our Hearts Connect Across Time

Stars coming forth into existence

Jenny Lane
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2024


Time benders, as you connect with art, words, colors, love — seated in a chair I cannot quite imagine, under a tree being, or standing in your now with the sunlight, or lack thereof here with me —

An illustration of a sun with multicolored clouds, and a sea with multicolored waves, overlayed I added a notebook page and the words “I thank you”
I thank you 💕 art and photo created by Jenny Lane and Dream digitally remixed in afterart

I thank you for sharing this moment with me across time, across cultures, across feelings.

Across hearts.

My mind thinks of you and your eyes, your mind, your heart who you may be, what dreams you have, what losses you have risen from.

Art connects us.

An image of a an abstract painting I did, it is textured swirls of colors of bright browns, bright pinks, purples, greens, blues and yellows
Painting and gif by Author Jenny Lane

This moment of now, we both can share from our perspective times in our stories.

Our plot points converge in the confluence of these lettered connections.

You are here. And I am here.

Words unite us.



Jenny Lane

An overthinking human who writes to make room in her mind and peace in our hearts. Art and words are my love letters to the world.