
Angelica Olson
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2023


A free verse poem —

what does the sunrise look like on the other side of the island?

it doesn’t matter because I am over here on this side…

in this moment of curiosity, I have an epiphany:

I have my own unique perspective!

from my biases and traumas

with my desires and joys

it is so wonderful —

to be in my own life!

to be curious about what the sunrise is like over there

but to not crave to know so badly that I don’t enjoy what I have right now —

to not desire other experiences, wondering if they are better…

to let go of egoic attachment:

of my sincerest hopes for outcomes of situations

of people’s expectations and opinions of me

of my fears related to past experiences…

to just love unconditionally

all of life

and what it offers!

For I am in my own experience.

what a wonderful freeing feeling.

Thank you for being a part of my spiritual journey to understanding the divine and my sacred purpose of spreading love through



Angelica Olson

Performing artist, filmmaker, poet, realtor, & shamana. She enjoys creating meaningful art in the hopes that it will make a positive difference in the world ♥