A pink lily in full bloom, with a notebook page and the letters “In the moment here in these letters”
Photo by Author Jenny Lane

The Call of Interbeing Alive!

We’ve made it through the night, we’ve awakened to this eternal moment

Jenny Lane
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2024


I read the other day that birdsong in the morning are the callings to each other that they’ve made it through the night.

They’re still here.

As writers and creators, I feel this is part of our heart call too, to let others know — I’m here! I’ve made it through the night! I’ve awakened again, right here! I’m alive, in this moment, my fingers are here typing these words, my hand holds the pen.

I’m alive!

I am here writing these words.

Here is my heart — I am alive.

Here are my thoughts, without any thought of judging myself, overthinking arrangement of letters, or the imagination of what your judgment may be upon reading.

For who is that voice thinking you may be judging me, but my own presumptions.

These words may not be for you. I’ve been told my words are too flowery, too ambly, too many. But they bloom from my heart, and walk along a path sometimes I know not where they even go, or where they spring forth.

Who am I to tell a flower how it shall bloom?



Jenny Lane

An overthinking human who writes to make room in her mind and peace in our hearts. Art and words are my love letters to the world.