When Creativity and The Now Come Together

Something You Never Imagined Happens.

DL Nemeril
5 min readMay 8, 2023


Painting by Redon of young woman seated from waist up in profile. A profusion of flowers around her.
Creativity is all around us. Painting by Redon on rawpixels.com public domain

A friend asked me a great question.

Being an artist, at first, I saw visions of what I would then create. That changed now to a Knowing. I feel/think about what often comes next. Is that my subconscious or super-conscious…or a blend of both?

How do we know that feeling/knowing/sense is within us, or outside of us, or all part of us as we are all part of the universe?

Perfect inquiring-minds-want-to-know channeling question. I was sure the answer would be out of the ordinary. See what you think.

Words can only attempt to capture something so far outside the way you have been taught and, indeed, much of your experience. Though these barriers are slowly thinning. This is why there is more focus on creativity on the human level at this time.

If one has managed to disengage one’s mental being, the intellect, during the creative process, one becomes more complete. One is not within one’s normal viewpoint and another thought level becomes accessible. The effect of this is twofold.

Creativity and the subconscious

Firstly, there is greater access to one’s personal thought storage. We speak of what you call the subconscious. Everything over your lifetime has been stored there: every experience, emotion, exchange, image, sound, sensation. Everything.

This storage is normally veiled from you because it would be overwhelming to have it freely available.

What is interesting to know is your ‘cloud’, (We say this as it resembles your technological clouds.), is also within the ‘greater’ cloud. Let’s call the ‘greater’ cloud the collective unconsciousness. All personal clouds connect. This is how one’s personal experience touches everyone else’s personal experience.

So, when one is doing creative work, one is in a freer, more open thought field. Often whatever needs to be healed then surfaces. This can be done in other ways, of course, as in visualization, healing work, meditation…

This level tends to come up first as the main goal of living is to open to more light and be a conduit for spiritual love. (Which is very different from human-based romantic love)

The traumatic pieces stored in the subconscious hold a great deal of energy and weight. They also tend to attract more to themselves by continually encouraging repetition of the emotion or experience.

This condenses the person. The greater the trauma(s), the more the person tends to rotate around those experiences(s). This happens whether they are aware of it or not.

So, it is of primary importance to transform these experiences and creativity is a key. It allows the subconscious to be more freely visible and for the person to work with it.

Creativity also opens access to the soul self, full self, soul self, source self, call it as you wish. This is the second self-based opening possible during the creative process.

Creativity and the soul self

The source self is embodied in but not confined to the physical form. So, when one connects more directly with the ‘fuller’ version of oneself, it is like throwing open the windows. “Oh, I didn’t know all that was there.” And creativity is one vital way to do this.

Remember, too, that creativity is any process where you open to inspiration. It can be dance, photography, baking, writing, gardening, painting, sewing, or even contemplation… creativity does not need an end product.

We would say, you are interfacing with your soul self while creating and hence your inner knowing, your inner wisdom and power. The soul self is all you have accumulated over all lifetimes. It also holds the piece of Divinity you have within you and your connection to the Divine as well. (It is difficult to navigate with language here.)

There is great interest on the soul level for healing as that is the path to opening to the light. Opening to the light is the most pertinent and necessary objective of the human experience.

Once the door to the subconscious is open, the soul will push things in front of the door so that you can work with them. Transform, transmute, release, replace… whatever needs to happen. It is up to you.

For the cloud of the subconscious, returning to the metaphor we used, is mutable. It is not fixed. Nothing is fixed. So, you can work within your cloud to change it. Furthermore, changing the energy of your cloud has repercussions on the clouds of all others. This is the importance of personal healing.

When you connect with your source self, you are nurturing your spark of the Divine… your inner knowing, your inner power, your uniqueness, your depth, richness, and diversity. Which then increases your connection to what we will call the Divine, the Oneness.

And then you are able to expand and hold more of the Divine. So, it is a back-and-forth. This is what was called super consciousness in the question.

This is how we would describe it. Super consciousness is the connection to one’s soul self. Within the play of creativity, one has more and more access to it. Which brings more and more of it into one’s physical being and one’s daily life. No small thing.

Other connections when creating- guides, angels, and intuition

There are also guides with one to help. No one is ever alone. This is different from channeling though they will sometimes do both. You do not need to channel to have a guide. We are not this one’s guide, for example, though we do offer advice when asked. (Me — And how. Bossy boots)

There are the angels. This is the word given to the beings closest to the planet that are here to help. That is their purpose, their reason to be.

There are guides, those who pass through life with you to assist you. And it is possible to call upon specific entities and those passed over.

In all cases, however, one must ask for this help. As has been stated many times, this is a realm of free will. Nothing/no one will step in to help unless asked. Though the request can take many forms.

Intuition is water from the same fountain. It can come from your inner knowing but also can be ‘sent’ by a guide. Signs, synchronicities, impulses… Any divinatory aid — astrology, tarot, runes - is a way to access this. These aids do not, in and of themselves, have power. But they give one the facility to open one’s intuition and also contact one’s helpers.

Again, the more one does this, the more it is interwoven into one’s life and the more it will be present in your reality.

All of this, all of this all of this, is thinning the interface between the three-dimensional you and who you really are. That is the most important thing to retain.

We will leave it there. We hope it was satisfactory.

Whether metaphorical or real, the described dance between the subconscious and the soul self gave me a feeling of having a way in and a purpose. Let me know what you think on the comments or at dlnemeril@live.com. I’ll pass it back along!

And to hear from me again, hit the email thingie. Back and forth builds great things here too.

Young woman riding on a polar bear on a moonlit night in natural landscape.
Creativity is a wild and wonderful journey. Image by Kay Nielson on wikicommons public domain



DL Nemeril
Writer for

Depending on the day, optimist, grump, counselor, artist. Explorer of inner worlds, sacred site junkie. Helping others on their path while discovering my own