New Jersey’s Most Instagrammed Location

Mike DeCastro
NowJersey Digital Magazine
5 min readNov 5, 2015
Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Kevin Knutsen

In a recent article, Busbud listed the most Instagrammed locations in the U.S. It turns out that Island Beach State Park is the single most instagrammed location in NJ.

Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Tami Hrycak

A check on Instagram for #IslandBeachStatePark, revealed some amazing photo captures. A hat-tip to all who posted, many with no professional photography experience who were simply enjoying a beautiful day in a beautiful place. Thank you for, sharing your moment with the world. Inspired by the creativity and beauty, we decided to tap into our beloved NJ photography community, and check out what they saw at Island Beach State Park. We were amazed.

Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Kevin Knutsen
Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo Courtesy of Erin Reily

We were a little surprised that IBSP was the Garden State’s #1 Instagrammed location. For us, IBSP is a hidden gem. That place in the NJ universe that is known but unknown. Where on certain days (off-season), you can stroll a gorgeous empty beach, hear the rhythm of surf, feel the warmth of the sun on your face, even swim if it’s ‘local summer’, in wave sets that are empty of human inhabitants. All this, in the most densely populated state in the nation.

We thought that places like Hoboken with it’s NYC skyline view, recreational spaces and path lined waterfront, might be NJ’s #1. Or, Liberty State Park with the Statue of Liberty and depth of meaning in the Empty Sky 9/11 Memorial. Or, Ocean Grove with it’s unique history, lovely town-wide vibe, inspiring Great Auditorium, all, like a hidden secret on the Jersey shore. Or maybe, a NJ Rockwellian town like Lambertville NJ, with it’s diverse visual palate of tow path, bridges, river and quaint architecture.

Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Kevin Knutsen

But, it is Island Beach State Park that provides NJ, and the wider world with such a grand spectrum of natural beauty. Wikipedia sums nicely the diversity of I B S P landscape, wildlife, flora and fauna. All which provide much fodder for the talent and creativity of NJ’s Photography community: “The park is the largest reserve of undeveloped barrier island in New Jersey and one of the largest in the United States.[1] The park is divided into two areas. The Island Beach Northern Natural Area covers 659 acres (2.7 km2), some of which is restricted to the public. The Southern Natural Area is much larger at 1,237 acres (5 km2). The park includes the Sedge Island Marine Conservation Zone, which includes about 1,600 acres (6 km2) of tidal marshes, creeks, ponds, and open water.

Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Kevin Knutsen

Coming in from the sea-front, a visitor ascends over a large primary dune covered in tall grasses and down into a narrow maritime forest, consisting of many tall bushes and short trees including holly, goldenrod and black cherry. Approaching the bay side, one finds reeds and a muddy estuary that is home to blue crabs and herons and other marine birds. The park is an excellent site for bird watching with osprey nests and bird blinds set up.[2] The Barnegat Inlet is located at the southern tip of the park, separating the Barnegat Peninsula from Long Beach Island.”

Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Kevin Knutsen
Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Kevin Knutsen
Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Karen Priscilla Spangenberg
Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Kevin Knutsen
Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Kevin Knutsen
Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Karen Priscilla Spangenberg
Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Kevin Knutsen
Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Kevin Knutsen
Long Beach Island, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Marie, JMS Photography
Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park NJ. Photo courtesy of Karen Priscilla Spangenberg

A special thank you to all of our beloved NJ photographers. They often brave all sorts of weather and odd hours.. juggling work, family and a passion for their craft. Lots of time is spent waiting for proper light, or the wind to die, or car lights to pass from a night shot or a thousand other photo related gremlins. They bring us NJ’s beauty and re-connect us with the Garden State. Please do support NJ’s photographers. They are artists that capture moments which serve as reminders of special places, and moments of time.

Note — Under each photograph are links to each photographer. Please do visit their web sites and social media pages. We love to ‘like’ & follow our NJ photographers on FaceBook and across the social media spectrum. Their work adds beauty and a measure of solace to our feeds. There is so much creativity to enjoy and appreciate. Too, there are some cool stories to discover about these artists.

Special thanks again to our beloved NJ photographers~

Kevin Knutsen

Tami Hrycak

Karen Priscilla Spangenberg

Jennifer Marie

Erin Reily

Lastly.. Want to get involved and help to preserve and maintain Island Beach State Park? Check out —

The Friends of Island Beach State Park — Our mission is to further public appreciation and stewardship of the park. Our members come from a wide range of backgrounds and occupations but have in common a variety of interests in this beautiful State Park.

