Want to do better? Give more!

Here are 10 ways to do better in with your time and resources

‘Nike Agbakosi
Nonprofit Connect Africa (NPCAfrica)


Every new year, a lot of people look to improve their lives and have better habits. Many resolve to keep the cheer from the holidays all year by being more charitable and giving back more. This may prove a struggle given limited time and resources.

Thankfully, being charitable is easier now than ever, we can do it as we do what we love, in our places of worship, at work and even as we shop; and it isn’t limited to giving to the less privileged (although they probably need it the most).

Doing the following will definitely make a difference around you:

1. Pay it forward

#payitforward #kindnessismagic

Kindness is magic

Whenever anyone does anything good to you, instead of just paying them back participate in doing at least one random act of kindness. If all of us multiplied the good that happened to us it would make a difference in the world around us.

However, you don’t have to wait till someone is good to you, be the one who starts the chain, instead of asking for something back, encourage them to spread the love and pay it forward.

The concept of paying it forward does not require you to have money or power, it inspires us to multiply good deeds and set a chain reaction of kindness in motion.

2. Give your stuff to charity (and declutter your life)


Declutter your life and make someone smile

We often have clothes, shoes, books etc. that we have not used in months or years. We can break the culture of hoarding things “in case you need them”, by decluttering our wardrobes and bookshelves, and giving items away. This serves a two-way benefit as we have enough space for new items, and we make someone in need smile .

3. Give away your loose change (better still set up a collection box)


Your change can make a change

There are not many things you can do with less than a N50 note these days (sadly), that change would probably stay in your bag or purse and move around your house till you can’t find it or remember it anymore. Put that change to good use by dropping it in a charity box, giving alms or saving it up to take to an orphanage. You could even set up a collection box for charities in your office, shop, or school. It may not make a difference to you but it will go a long way where you send it.

4. Offer your skills and knowledge


You have a gift, share it!

A significant number of us are good at something (fortunately), even if we think it is not a big deal. Whether you’re a professional or student, your family, friends, local community and your followers (on social media) can benefit from your skills and knowledge. From excel tips to financial advice to CV reviews this is a very inexpensive way to make things around you better.

5. Teach and mentor young people


Their future is the future

A lot of us are the way we are today because we had good teachers and mentors, unfortunately many young people in Nigeria as a result of their socio-economic and lack of proper guidance often lack the skills, education and confidence to succeed.

Teaching and mentoring young people by providing skills training (vlog, makeup, create a website, do math, write, design a logo, code, photograph, paint, dance, etc. the list is endless), support, helpful information and sharing your experiences will improve their knowledge and confidence levels and give them a shot at successful productive lives.

6. Promote local businesses

#proudlynigerian #proudlyafrican

Help local businesses thrive

A good way to improve your community is to promote local businesses especially SMEs. If someone has given good service give them a shout out, buy Nigerian and African where possible, give constructive feedback, give business advice (only if you are knowledgeable) and lets help great local businesses thrive.

We often underestimate the impact individual promotion and word of mouth has on the promoting businesses, simply sharing it on social media can go a long way.

7. Ask to join your work Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) team

#sociallyresponsible #giveatwork

Give at work

Many companies seek to build ties and improve their community by engaging in various CSR initiatives. If your work is a big part of your life and it’s hard to take time off, find out if you can join the CSR team to plan events for the year.

If your organisation doesn’t do so, you can encourage them to make employees a part of their corporate philanthropy efforts. It is a good way to engage employees and keep them motivated, it would also be a good look for the company as the employees are ambassadors of the company and its values.

8. Organize or volunteer for food drives


End Hunger

During holidays and on many weekends, religious houses and nonprofits and individuals offer soup kitchen services and go on food drives, by rallying members to donate to and/or serve food to the homeless and underprivileged in the community. This is an opportunity to back without spending too much of your own money.

You could:

  • Organise the food drive
  • Donate food stuff to the organisers of food drives
  • Help with logistics: If you have a car or have access to a car-hire service, you can help with the transport of servers and food stuffs to the food drive location
  • Volunteer to provide security at the location
  • Serve at the venue or kitchen
  • Raising awareness: by sharing posts on social media, sharing flyers etc.

9. Volunteer or donate to a charity


Be a change super hero

Volunteering is often the most obvious choice for people looking to give back to the community. Especially for young people with limited resources at their disposal. Volunteering hours are as valuable to nonprofits as monetary donations, after all: Time is Money! Giving your time to causes you support is a very direct way to affect a change in matters that interest you. Every kobo counts for these organisations, so you and your friends can give whatever little money you have and donate items like books, food items, clothes and so on.

If it’s more convenient, find out what opportunities there are to volunteer and/or donate through your office or place of worship and explore them.

It is important to look into nonprofits that interest you, before committing your time and resources. Make sure your contributions will translate to impact and they are transparent and accountable.

10. Walk, march or run for a cause


Move for change

Exercise is good for you, and it could also be good for charity. There are nonprofit and for-profit organizations that sponsor walks, marches or runs to raise awareness or funds for causes that affect our community. This is a good way to give back and keep fit at the same time.

Hopefully some of the above will inspire you to give all year round.

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‘Nike Agbakosi
Nonprofit Connect Africa (NPCAfrica)

Passionate about living authentically, human rights and social justice, economic development in Africa, cooking and learning. Personal Blog @nikeagba on socials