npm weekly #121: npm chats with the Google Cloud Team, the CouchDB vulnerability and the registry, jobs for engineering and sales managers!

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2017

How does the Google Cloud Team use npm? (How do you?)

We continue our series of Customer Convos with npm Enterprise and private packages customers by chatting with Luke Sneeringer, Justin Beckwith, and Ali Shiekh of the Google Cloud Team.

Google, perhaps you’ve heard of it, is a huge company that builds products across a ton of different spaces. Using npm Orgs and private packages allows developers across the company to distribute and re-use code while maintaining consistency.

To learn more about how the Google Cloud Team uses npm’s private packages, read the full conversation. To tell us how you use npm, drop us a line.

We’re hiring an engineering manager

Earlier this week, we announced the opening of our Senior Engineering Manager position.

If you’ve had experience leading startup teams, hiring and supporting engineers, collaborating and communicating with the business folks, leadership folks, and the folks you’ll be leading, then this job might be for you.

See the full details and apply before November 27th.

Katie Fenn took out the garbage at ffconf

Earlier this month, npm human Katie Fenn was in Brighton, UK for ffconf and presented Memory: Don’t Forget to Take Out the Garbage. The video of her talk will be out soon, but you can read her slides in the meantime or check out this writeup of an older version of the talk.

CouchDB vulnerabilities and the npm Registry

Earlier this week, the Apache CouchDB project announced two security vulnerabilities resolved by updating to the latest release. This blog post by CTO CJ Silverio has the full details on how this affects the npm Registry.

Trade-offs worth considering while building Node.js apps

This GitHub repository is one worth bookmarking. Yoni Goldberg, Ido Richter, Refael Ackermann, and Bruno Scheufler maintain Node.js Best Practices, a curated and updated list of “dos” and “don’ts” to consider when creating applications with Node.js. Take a look!

Makers make things: a thread

“I’m sorry, the old definition of engineering can’t come to the phone right now.”
“Oh, ’cause it’s dead!”

Let Raquel Vélez elaborate in this spot-on thread about how ‘engineering’ is defined.

Last call to apply for VP of Sales

If you have an entrepreneurial mindset and experience selling software, we want to hear from you. You’ll be in charge of showing the world how npm’s products can make developers faster, happier, and more productive, and generate real business value by reducing friction.

Get in your application in before the deadline tomorrow, Friday, November 17.

Welcome CJ to the support team!

We’re very excited to welcome our newest support engineer, CJ Joulain. CJ hails from New Jersey, but has lived in Oakland for the past 5 years and is a huge sports fan (especially hockey). They also really enjoy going to tech events (they’ve been an organizer for Techqueria and ambassador for SF AlterConf). Please help us welcome CJ to the team!

Introducing Office Hours

For this year’s Node Knockout, Benjamin Coe teamed up with Franklin Pearsall and Colin King-Bailey to create Office Hours. It’s a live video chat plugin for GitHub that allows open-source maintainers of libraries to chat with contributors. Voting for Node Knockout is going on now, hint, hint.

Having a bad day? Look at these photos of two unlikely friends

The story of Poldi the owlet (short for Napoleon), and Ingo the Belgian shepherd is enough to make even the grumpiest person smile. Check out this post to see the heart-warming photos of their friendship.

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npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.