npm weekly #129: Introducing Spife, check out ORMnomnom, and a reminder to fill out the 2017 JS Ecosystem Survey

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2018


What’s your JS experience like?

We’re still collecting responses for the 2017 JavaScript Ecosystem Survey. Have you filled it out yet? It only takes 10 minutes, and we want you to be honest about your experience: the highs, the lows, all of it.

We teamed up with the JS Foundation and the Node.js Foundation to create this survey so you can have a voice in helping us make better tools for the JavaScript community.

We’ll be circulating the survey until the end of January, so fill one out today.

npm stats: npm@5 is gaining on npm@3 in popularity

This one’s for the line graph fans! Laurie Voss recently gave an update on some Node.js and npm stats, showing how the different versions of npm are being used over time. Version 3 is still the most widely used, but version 5 is quickly gaining popularity.

Introducing Spife at Seattle JS

Last week, npm human Chris Dickinson was at the SeattleJS meetup to introduce Spife, a framework that supports a multitude of projects at npm. You can see his slides from the presentation and learn more about the framework at the Spife GitHub repository.

Recommended module: ormnomnom

Last week, ORMnomnom version 5 was released. If this is the first time you’ve heard about ORMnomnom, it’s a “lightweight orm to silence the orm-y beast” or an orm that “does 80% of the work and gets out of the way for the remaining 20%.” Sounds pretty great, huh? Check it out!

What we’re reading: Run Meetings That Are Fair to Introverts, Women, and Remote Workers

This article from the Harvard Business Review points out three common unconscious biases that keep meeting leaders from encouraging contributions from everyone in the meeting. Learn more about these biases and how you can overcome them to hold more engaging, inclusive meetings.

Are you confused about the different types of dependencies?

Fortunately for you, Rishabh Rao drew up an easy to read diagram, illustrating the different types of dependencies. Check out the diagram and learn about peer dependencies versus dev dependencies and more.

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npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.