npm weekly #175: Take the 2018 JS Ecosystem Survey, talk apps with Lexio, and meet Fred, npm developer advocate!

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2018

Take the 2018 JavaScript Ecosystem Survey

2018 is rapidly drawing to a close, which means it’s time to take the annual JavaScript Ecosystem Survey! Last year over 16,000 developers responded to give us information on how the greater community uses JavaScript. Let us know your thoughts and experiences writing JavaScript here!

What we’re reading: Securing Your Site like It’s 1999

Senior npm engineer Katie Fenn’s fantastic talk, and now post, Securing Your Site like It’s 1999, was the first thing featured on the advent calendar site 24 ways. So celebrate the season with this great piece about security, Myspace, and …Animal Crossing? Enjoy!

Say hello to Fred

Please join us in welcoming new developer advocate Frédéric, or Fred, Harper. Fred did such a great job of introducing himself to the community over at that you should check out his post and say hello!

Open source JavaScript is taking over software development

Over 97% of professional JavaScript developers now rely on open source code. Learn how large teams seamlessly combine proprietary code and OSS and automatically protect against security vulnerabilities.

Learn more about npm Enterprise »

The latest on CLI: npm@6.5.0-next.0

The latest prerelease of the npm CLI has been announced over on If you missed it, version 6.5.0 will have some new features, bugfixes, documentation improvements, and some dependency updates. Read all the details on!

Talking apps with Lexio

In our latest npm convo, we chat with Jessica Tebay and Anthony Humphreys from Lexio. Lexio is a platform helping businesses create mobile websites without writing any code. Learn about how they use npm’s Orgs solution to accomplish this magical feat!

npm is hiring!

We’re looking to fill two important positions at npm: Senior Site Reliability Engineer and an Engineering Manager specializing in QA Automation.

Know someone who might be interested? Send them over to to apply now.

Seen a 401 lately? Here’s why

If you got a 401 or an EINVALIDNPMTOKEN error when trying to interact with scoped packages recently, it was due to some internal changes we made and is not security related. The changes were rolled back to prevent the error. You can read the full details on what happened on our blog.

24 Pull Requests

24 Pull Requests is another holiday-themed project for open source lovers. The project serves as a platform to “give back” to open source project maintainers by helping them with contributions. Anything from improving docs, supporting other users, to triaging issues and bugs — all contributions are welcome! Learn more at



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npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.