npm weekly #209: npm@6.10.3 is out now, our password reset flow gets a shoutout, plus see you at Write/Speak/Code 2019!

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2019

Prototypr highlights our delightful password reset user flow

Last month, npm got a shoutout from the design community! In UX Guide: Password Reset User Flow, the folks at Prototypr, a daily design news and inspiration blog, walked through our sign-in process, step by step.

Learn how little enhancements can add up to one delightful user experience!

Our 3 faves! Write/Speak/Code 2019

Write/Speak/Code 2019 is on a mission to promote the visibility and leadership of technologists with marginalized genders through peer-led professional development. And next weekend, their annual event takes place nearby in San Francisco. If you’re attending, be sure to say hi to npm tech writer Kiera Manion-Fischer!

DuckDuckGo + StackOverflow +npm = Awesomeness

As Paul Watson recently pointed out on Twitter, finding the answers to your coding questions might be easier done on DuckDuckGo. Integrating with Stack Overflow and npm allows for code examples to populate alongside your search results. Check it out!

Recommended project: DeckDeckGo

This project is simply too good not to share! Let us introduce you to DeckDeckGo, a Progressive Web App alternative for creating simple presentations. See the full demo on their site, or start your presentation by running npm init deckdeckgo.

The latest: npm@6.10.3

Earlier this week, npm@6.10.3 made its official debut! This new version adds better support for GitLab shorthands, improved error handling and reporting when users encounter EACCES on their cache folder, plus bugfixes, dependency updates, and more!

To get it, run:

npm install -g npm

Work on the world’s largest software repository

Curious about what it would be like to work on a product with 10 million+ users and over 40 billion software package downloads every month? We are currently looking for engineers, security pros, design folks and more.

See our open positions at

npm at Assert(js) this September

We ❤ all things testing so we’re very excited to share that Chief Open Technology Officer Isaac Schlueter will be onhand at Assert(js) this September in Toronto. Isaac will be there to share why “99% is not enough — full test coverage and why it’s awesome” so get your ticket to see his talk today.

Need private packages and team management tools?

The same tools that empower developers to work together on Open Source projects can make teams more efficient when collaborating on mission-critical applications.

Learn how npm Orgs can help your team!

Want to flex on your meetup? Introduce them to Power Slides

Created by Byron Hulcher, Power Slides makes it one million times easier to play the age-old game of lightning talk karaoke. Show your friends how to play and see what type of presentation you can give on the fly!



npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.