npm weekly #222: Announcing lots of launches! npm@6.13, npm fund, new CLI docs, updates & more

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2019

Community, Docs & more!

Our Community & Open Source wombats have been hard at work, and have some exciting updates to share with you:

➡️ npm@6.13 is here, complete with the new `npm fund` to support OS maintainers! Get it via:
`npm install -g npm@latest`

➡️ There’s a CLI docs redesign (thanks Tanya Brassie!). Did you know you could browse the docs website offline? Run `npm help <command> — viewer browser` to get a sneak peak!

➡️We’ve made some updates to to enable us to better address feedback and interact with our users by being as close as possible to where our source code resides.

Get more details on these updates and others here!

Learn more about `npm fund`

As mentioned above, this week we launched npm v6.13. In case you haven’t checked it out yet, we added a `funding` field to your `package.json` and will now bubble up a prompt to consumers of your work to help support you. You can read more about the implementation here and see it in action here:

Node.js best practices

This Node.js Best Practices guide by Node.JS Practices has some great security guidance. It is the largest compilation of Node.js best practices, and it is growing every week! Take a look and make sure to bookmark it for future reference.

Mark your calendar!

  • QCon SF: November 11–13 in San Francisco. npm Engineering Manager, Amal Hussein, will be presenting, “Goodbye View Source: Hello JavaScript in the Age of Compilers.”
  • Open RFC call: Wednesday, 11/13 at 11am PT/2pm ET. A new meeting thread providing details and an initial agenda will be created here soon. Previous meeting agendas and notes can be found here.
  • Node+JS Interactive: December 11–12 in Montreal. Amal will be presenting here as well — make sure to say hello!

Recommended project: Poetic

Poetic, created by Arian Acosta, provides automatic code styling for JavaScript, TypeScript and React. With a single command `npx poetic`, Poetic installs and maintains ESLint, Prettier, EditorConfig and Airbnb rules for JavaScript, TypeScript and React.

Arian recently released Poetic v1.1.0 with improved support for React with CRA using TypeScript and ESLint v6.6! Check it out!

Are you using npm to build something cool? Let us know and we’ll help get the word out!

Automation Tools for Makers and Developers

Join npm’s CTO, Ahmad Nassri, at the upcoming meetup in Toronto on November 19th! is a community empowering makers and developers to build solutions & internal tools together for their teams and business.

Get more info and save your spot here!

Need private packages and team management tools?

The same tools that empower developers to work together on Open Source projects can make teams more efficient when collaborating on mission-critical applications. Meet npm Orgs:

  • Publish and download private packages
  • Manage permissions with teams
  • Workflow integration and token management

Learn how npm Orgs can help your team.

Until next year, Hacktoberfest!

npm’s community and open source staff Darcy Clarke and Ruy Adorno had the pleasure of attending/running meetups for this year’s Hacktoberfest events.

Some interesting stats:

We’re looking forward to next year!

Pacote v10.1 has a CLI!



npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.