npm weekly #235: Jamming with npm, loads of events & more

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2020

Jamming with npm

Did you miss Engineering Manager Darcy Clarke’s JAMStack Toronto meetup talk on wiring up npm hooks? You can check out their slides here! Stay tuned for a future blog post on the topic.

Incident Report: 403 / 429 Errors for Some Users

npm is committed to providing a great experience to our users, and we’re continually working with our partners to improve uptime.

Some of our users unfortunately received 403/429 errors while using the site on Monday. Beginning on February 17, around 11:10 UTC, npm cli users began seeing 403 and 429 errors when attempting to access packages from the registry. We were first alerted to the problems by a combination of support tickets and monitoring aberrations. Our site reliability, support and engineering teams began investigating and declared an escalated incident at 11:28 UTC.

The incident was resolved by 13:00 UTC. We’ve got some more detailed info on our blog here.

Private packages, team management tools & more

Meet npm Pro and npm Teams! Both tools empower developers to utilize private packages and collaborate, either working with contributors on Open Source projects (Pro), or working as a team on mission-critical applications (Teams).

Events for everyone!

TONIGHT! Oakland full stack developer meetup at The Flight Deck from 6–8pm. Pranay Suresh, Engineer at Bolt, will be presenting on the lessons he’s learned from over a decade of full stack software engineering. Get more details here.

ConFoo: Don’t miss Open Source Developer Ruy Adorno’s presentation, “Mock API endpoints for fun and profit” in Montreal on Friday, February 28. Learn more.

🎉 NodeSchool SF is turning 5! Hang out with other learners and mentors in a low stress, encouraging environment (plus, pizza!). Saturday, February 29th from 1–5pm. RSVP here.

2020 Conferences: Liz Parody at NodeSource compiled a handy list of some of the best and most popular 2020 conferences focused on Node.js and JavaScript, spanning across the globe. Take a look!

Open RFC meetings: Save the date! Wednesday, March 4 at 11am PT/2pm ET. Add your topics to be considered for discussion (agenda and meeting details will be shared here soon). Miss this week’s Open RFC call? You can access the meeting notes here.

How to Publish an Updated Version of an npm Package

New to npm, or looking for a refresher? Front-end architect and CSS specialist, Scott Vandehey, recently put together this walkthrough on how to publish an updated version of an npm package. He details how he worked with projects that were created over many years, with each project’s release process configured differently and multiple developers involved. You can access Scott’s other helpful walkthroughs here.



npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.