npm weekly #236: npm@6.14.0 is here with support for multiple funding entries! 🎉

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2020

npm@6.14.0: Support for multiple funding entries 🎉

Earlier this week, we shipped npm@6.14.0! This lands support for multiple funding sources (contributed by Jordan Harband and Ruy Adorno), along with bug fixes and dependency updates.

Read more about the release here.

You can update to the latest version of the CLI in the usual way:

$ npm install -g npm@latest

npm workspaces

The discussion regarding workspaces has been a hot topic in our recent Open RFC meetings, and we’d like your input! Join the conversation here and let us know your thoughts.

TypeScript 3.8 is here

TypeScript 3.8 brings a lot of new features, including type-only imports/exports, private fields, ‘export * as ns’ syntax, top-level ‘await’, convert to template string, call hierarchy and more. Read all about it!

Get it via:

npm install -g typescript

Project highlight: actions-toolkit@3.0.0

actions-toolkit@3.0.0 (a toolkit for building GitHub Actions in Node.js) is now available! This version introduces features that wrap the official actions/* libraries, and changes the direction of the library to be “an opinionated alternative.” Learn more here.

Access it via:

$ npm install actions-toolkit

Note, the alternative library GitHub Actions ToolKit makes many features optional in the interest of performance, so you may prefer to use it instead of this library.

📅 Mark your calendars!

  • ConFoo: TOMORROW! Open Source Developer Ruy Adorno will be talking about “Mock API endpoints for fun and profit” in Montreal on Friday, February 28. Learn more.
  • NodeSchool SF: THIS WEEKEND! Hang out with other learners and mentors in a low stress, encouraging environment (plus, pizza!). Saturday, February 29th from 1–5pm. RSVP here.
  • NodeSchool Oakland: Saturday, March 14 from 1–5pm. Sign up as a learner or mentor here.
  • Open RFC meetings: Join the conversation → Wednesday, March 4 at 11am PT/2pm ET. Add your topics to be considered for discussion (agenda and meeting details will be shared here soon). Miss this week’s Open RFC call? You can access the meeting notes here.
  • REFACTOR 2020: Serverless: join several of npm’s wombats on May 22 in Toronto for the REFACTOR 2020 event, featuring a mix of industry-expert speakers sharing their experience and lessons in building serverless applications.

npm Pro & npm Teams for all your npm Needs

Meet npm Pro and npm Teams! Both tools empower developers to utilize private packages and collaborate, either working with contributors on Open Source projects (Pro), or working as a team on mission-critical applications (Teams).

OpenJS World + OpenJS Foundation Collaborator Summit

Registration is now open for OpenJS World (formerly Node+JS Interactive) and the OpenJS Foundation Collaborator Summit! OpenJS World is the OpenJS Foundation’s annual, global event that brings the JavaScript community together to collaborate face-to-face, network and share their experiences. Definitely an event not to miss! The conference will take place June 23rd to 24th, 2020 in Austin, TX. Get more details and register to attend!



npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.