npm weekly #240: npm@6.14.4 is here & a new case study, too!

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2020


Sending our ❤️ ️️out to our community, during these scary, chaotic times. Thank you especially to all of those working tirelessly to help others heal, grow and thrive throughout it all.

Here’s a cute video from the Sleepy Burrows Wombat Sanctuary: How to protect one’s toilet paper at a wombat sanctuary, put a wombat on ‘guard’ duty! 😊

npm@6.14.4 is here!

In case you missed it, we rolled out a patch release for the npm CLI (v6.14.3) last week, landing a couple small docs and decencies updates.

This week, we released v6.14.4, which contained some dependencies updates.

v6.14.3 release notes
v6.14.4 release notes

You can update to the latest version of the cli in the usual way:

$ npm install -g npm@latest

The State of the JAMstack Survey 2020

Help the JAMstack community by participating in the first State of the JAMstack community survey (conducted by Netlify). When a community is growing this fast, it’s hard to know what’s standard practice and what’s a niche interest. Share your JAMstack feedback and technology choices, so all can benefit from the results — newcomers and experienced users alike. The survey takes 15 minutes and is anonymous unless you want to be contacted. The survey closes April 19, and results will be shared during the JAMstack Conf virtual event. Participate here!

Case study: Rise

Learn how Philadelphia-based web design and development agency, Rise, uses npm in their daily workflows. In this guest blog post, Rise founder Kahl Orr shares their journey of how they adopted npm to help address pain points, and grow their business and revenue. Read on >>

Join us! Open RFC meetings

Join us for next week’s Open RFC call on Wednesday, April 1 at 11am PT/2pm ET! Meeting details will be available here shortly.

Miss this week’s deep-dive call? You can check out the review the notes and recording here.

How to cancel a fetch request

JavaScript promises have always been a major win for the language — they’ve led to a revolution of asynchronous coding that has vastly improved performance on the web. One shortcoming of native promises is that there’s no true way to cancel a fetch...until now. Learn more in web developer and front-end engineer David Walsh's blog post here.

Private packages, collaboration tools & more

Meet npm Pro and npm Teams, our solutions that empower developers to utilize private packages and collaborate, either working with contributors on Open Source projects (Pro), or working as a team on mission-critical applications (Teams). You can learn more about our suite of solutions here.

Project spotlight

Thanks once again to Ryan J. Yost, we have another batch of interesting projects to share with you this week!

  • Check out the opinionated code formatter, Prettier, supports many languages and integrates with most editors.
  • beautiful-react-hooks provides a collection of beautiful and (hopefully) useful React hooks to speed-up your components and hooks development.
  • Avoid unnecessary headaches with numeral, a JavaScript library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
  • React Table provides hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React.
  • Madge generates visual graphs of your module dependencies, finding circular dependencies.




npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.