npm weekly #241: COVID-19 statement, Privacy Policy update & more

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2020

Statement on the COVID-19 Crisis

In these challenging times, we continue to be inspired by the strength, resilience and care for others we see being demonstrated by people everywhere. Read more in our blog post here. Stay safe, everyone! ❤️

️ (And thank you to JonQ for another amazing wombat!)

Updates to our Privacy Policy

We’ve recently made some updates to our privacy FAQ. Learn more about what was updated on our blog.

Full automation of release to npm and Docker with GitHub Actions and Conventional Commits

Repetitive tasks are tedious. If what you do manually can be automated, then what are you waiting for? Learn more in Lukasz Gornicki’s recent blog post.

Join the conversation

Join us for next week’s Open RFC deep-dive call on Wednesday, April 8 at 11am PT/2pm ET! Meeting details will be available here shortly.

Miss this week’s call? You can review the notes and recording here.

Private packages, collaboration tools & more

Meet npm Pro and npm Teams, our solutions that empower developers to utilize private packages and collaborate, either working with contributors on Open Source projects (Pro), or working as a team on mission-critical applications (Teams).

Not bad at all 😊



npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.