npm weekly #242: Some cool stuff happening in the world of JavaScript

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2020

Let’s connect

Did you miss yesterday’s deep-dive Open RFC discussion on dependency resolutions (install, audit, etc.)? No worries — you can review the notes and recording here.

Save the date for next week’s Open RFC call: Wednesday, April 15 at 11am PT/2pm ET! Meeting details will be available here shortly.

Announcing TypeScript 3.9 Beta

This release speeds up the compiler and editing experience, getting rid of friction and papercuts, and reducing bugs and crashes. Learn more here.

To get started using the beta, use the following command:

npm install typescript@beta

HalfStack Online

Mark your calendars for the first ever HalfStack Online event on Friday, May 22! This event is a celebration of UI-centric JavaScript and web development, bringing together front-end, web, JavaScript, mobile, music, WebXR and IoT developers, designers, and decision makers from all over the world. The event’s Call for Proposals is open. Get all the details here.

What we’re reading…
Coding for SEO: Using JavaScript to track COVID-19

Check out this interesting article by Detlef Johnson, the SEO for Developers Expert for Search Engine Land and SMX. In it, they provide an explanation of asynchronous JavaScript using Fetch API for getting JSON data to the screen.

npm for solo devs, teams & organizations

Meet npm Pro and npm Teams, our solutions that empower developers to utilize private packages and collaborate, either working with contributors on Open Source projects (Pro), or working as a team on mission-critical applications (Teams).

Learn more about npm’s full suite of solutions. 😁

A good reminder

Stay safe, everyone! ❤️



npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.