Why to spend a summer at the beach when you can do a Summer Internship

Diogo Santos
NQ Digital Agency
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2018

Who am I?

My name is Diogo Santos and I’m 20 years old. I’m currently studying Marketing and International Relationships in ISCAC Coimbra Business School. I always had interest in technologies, although, I’m not an expert in the area. I love to be inserted in good and less formal environments that tramsit positivity to people rather than pressure. I believe that it’s the only way a Human Being can prove their real skills and their real values.



I always had the idea of doing an Internship because Marketing has many fields and can act in every single sector so, I was never sure about which sector I would like most to approach, or even the field I would like to integrate.

This summer I considered that it was the right time to do a Bootcamp so I can start to experience some fields and the IT sector.

By the way, I’m not a big fan of Beach…


I first read about NQDA at the newspaper “Jornal de Notícias”and I automatically gained curiosity to know more about the whole organization. When I started to search about them, I knew that they were the right option to my first Internship. The positivity, team spirit, different way to reach their objectives and different type of activities convinced me to contact them.


Then I had a meeting with Miguel Oliveira and Ricardo Correia and they told me what I was supposed to do: NQDA’s International Process Strategy.

I must refer that I have never had that experience, and even so Miguel and Ricardo trusted me and gave me the power to make my decisions and to use the platforms and methods that I thought that were better to this process. That Decision Power was a type of liberty that I truly enjoyed, and certainly that made me grow up and achieve goals so fast in the project.

When I finished the International Process Strategy, Miguel and Ricardo involved me in other projects that they thought I was able to handle. That made me feel so proactive, and made me discover some skills that I never knew I had which gave me the interest to start searching about some related subjects.

To finish, I can’t forget to talk about the whole team. They always prove the Team Spirit they have. They treat a problem like a team, they treat each other like family and they treat me (the trainee) as part of that family. Their hospitality is just incredible and I thank them all for making this experience so positive and enriching.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed the experience, and I hope that somehow I touched them in a positive way as they touched me.

