Jonathan Groveman
NRCS California’s The Storyteller
2 min readJun 7, 2024


NRCS California Supported UC Davis Engineering Program, Students

The morning was the UC Davis (UCD) Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department Board meeting where we heard from new faculty and updates from the department in order to provide feedback from an industry/field/post-graduate perspective.

The afternoon was the UCD College of Engineering Senior Capstone Design Showcase during, which students present the projects they’ve worked on over the last three quarters of the 2023/2024 academic year to roving judges and the public to demonstrate what they have learned by applying it to a client-driven situation.

NRCS California Engineer Carolyn Jones participated as a board member in that morning meeting and she reviewed and judged the capstone projects in the afternoon.

From UCD: The Engineering Design Showcase is the culminating experience for graduating seniors. A senior design experience is required for all students in an engineering major. Teams complete a capstone project in which they design and prototype a product, device, process or software system. This event brings together project teams from all eight departments for an opportunity to share student designs with the public.

Industry partners and alumni are invited to attend and serve as evaluators. Evaluators provide expert feedback to student teams on their exhibits and project demonstrations.

