I’m Done with GameStop

And that just makes me sad

Noah DeMello
nrd life
3 min readJan 3, 2023


Source: Will Buckner

For Christmas this year I bought my nephews Sonic Colors and Nintendo Game Builder Garage. I ordered both new, but when I picked them up at my local GameStop, Game Builder was already opened with a piece of packing tape holding it closed. They assured me that the game is in fact new and was simply used as a floor model — ironic their choice of words. It being the only copy of the game in my area, I chose to look past it.

A couple weeks later I find myself in the exact same situation except now with two games I had shipped to me. I ordered Judgement and Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires both new, but what I actually recieved was one without its original case and the other matching the description of a used floor model without the classy packing tape.

Source: Me

I brought them into my local store to return, worried that the rep wouldn’t believe me. Much to my dismay, that’s exactly what happened. The sales associate said, “These games are clearly used and I can only offer you a trade-in.” At least the rep and I agreed they were both used. Before I could even attempt to clarify, the manger chimed in letting out a sigh, “Oh yeah, they just sent him the pre-owned games since they don’t make these anymore. You can return them.”

So for one, the same manager that assured me Game Builder was new likely just proved to me that it in fact wasn’t. Two, the stores are aware of this practice and don’t really seem to be onboard (not that they really have the power to change it). Three, GameStop was 100% okay sending me opened and potentially used games priced as new to eke out a few more dollars. Super shady business practices if you ask me.

What upsets me the most is that so many gamers have fond memories of their local EB Games or GameStop. After the closure of Toys ‘R Us, Circuit City, and Blockbuster they were one of the few places that had all the latest games and every pre-owned game to save a buck. I can remember being there for the midnight releases of Halo Reach and Call of Duty Black Ops. Not to mention every trade-in and pre-owned game deal I took advantage of over the years. Without their trade-in program, I could never have afforded to play as many games as I have, let alone upgrade my consoles over the generations as often as I did. It’s for that reason I still like to buy physical games when the price is lower than digital. I want to support GameStop for as long as possible in hopes that they pivot to some new business model that works in today’s digital-first market. After this though? I’ve been burned too many times and it seems I’m not the only one.

There are endless examples:

At least the condition of that case instils confidence
I guess I was lucky to get a case
Here’s another “floor model”

and more and more and more…

I’ve personally lost all confidence in GameStop being a reliable and trustworthy games store. I’m not calling for a boycott, just a buyer beware.

Thank you very much for reading! Hopefully I’ll have some more positive pieces coming soon. Claps if you liked it and follow me on Threads for more stories like this one.

