New Flipper Zero Device Can Hack iPhones Via Bluetooth

Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2023


My goodness the iPhone maker has had a tough couple months. With issues like overheating, a bug causing endless loops, and more. Now, according to BGR there a new issue that can make your phone inoperable.

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Turn Off Bluetooth To Avoid This Hack

There is now a device that can put your iPhone into an infinite DoS (denial of service )loop. The good news is there is a way to avoid it. The badish news is you have to turn off your Bluetooth. Which also disconnects accessories like Apple Watch, AirPods, etc, and that is annoying.

A security researcher named Jeroen van der Ham (via Ars Technica) who was affected by this new hack. He was on a train ride when his iPhone started rebooting, While rebooting it was showing a connection to an Apple TV before rebooting. And he wasn’t the only one being affected.

He tried a couple of things like putting his phone into Lockdown mode. But that didn’t work either.

On his way back home he noticed the same thing was happening again. He also recognized there was a passenger who was in the same car as him on the way back. Being a security researcher, Jeroen figured this guy may have been the problem,and asked the man to stop.

Everyone around this guy was suffering from the DoS attack. Except him. The man had been doing this for 1.5 hours straight.

Bluetooth Attacks Aren’t Unheard Of

Ars Trchnica says hacks like this aren’t unheard of. But that these attacks usually required both the know how and special equipment.

Thanks to the $200 Flipper Zero, both of those requirements have disappeared. All you need is the money and some knowledge of radio frequency hacking.

Unfortunately, attacks like this could become more common place. And the only true way to avoid them is to turn off your Bluetooth.

This Hack Doesn’t Target All

iOS 17 devices seem to be the target for the hack. iOS 16 devices are safe from the attack for now.

Van der Ham researched multiple ways an attacker can use the Flipper Zero to hack an iPhone. He mentions two different ways a hacker can hack your phone.

First, is an annoying message showing that a Bluetooth low-energy device is nearby. Another one causes an iPhone to crash. This is the one the man in the train employed.

No Need To Freak Out Yet

As mentioned earlier you can avoid this attack by turning off your Bluetooth. You have to turn off Bluetooth from the settings app, and not from the control center.

And although annoying, this new hack doesn’t seem to compromise your device by accessing your data.

Apple has had its hands full dealing with various bugs and what not. The company hasn’t given any acknowledgment of attack yet.

However, the company could slip a bug fix into an update to patch the vulnerability. Here’s hoping.

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