YouTub the new RedTube?
#YTAV (Vol.1)

Ethan Leeway
#NSFW YouTube AV
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2014


One lovely Thursday afternoon, I had a sudden urge to listen to Kpop so I typed Korean into the YouTube Search bar. To my surprise, the first video that shown up wasn’t Kpop, it was something better. Because of that video, I compared the YouTube today to the YouTube when it first started almost a decade ago. Back then, it was an impossible task to find a mature video that is slightly sexually provocative and a little revealing. But hey, look at all the music videos now. Seems like the rules have changed.

Take a look at these 5 YouTube Korean videos that are so well filmed that they put some Adult Video to shame.

Most of the YouTube videos below are age-restricted. Although we know it is easy to bypass, I would advise you not to do so if you’re below the age of 18

Sex in the City (South Korea)
Rating: 8.5/10

Although it may sound like Sex and the City (American television romantic sitcom), it has absolutely no comedy element in it. Most probably cause I don’t understand their language nor culture but strangely, I constantly find myself smiling while watching this film (if you know what i mean)

So this film is about this lead actor found a bag of cash in a toilet and gone all lucky thereafter. Don’t worry, the focus of the film is still on the lead actress.

Young Mother (South Korean)
Rating: 8/10

The only time the title “Young Mother” makes sense is during 1:05:00 whereby there is a party for a young female toddler held by her two parents who are in their mid 20s. Again, it is in Korean and Nothing seems to make sense, but I still enjoy the movie with a high frequency of intercourse scene. I’m sure this movie will be better with subtitle, provided you don’t fast forward…

Bad Wife Good Wife(South Korean)
Rating: 7/10

According to the English description of the video (Finally), this film explores the true meaning of family and love, as a wife who considers herself a “good woman” agonizingly finds out about her husband’s 6-year-long affair.

Sounds like a rather tragic film but to me, it is nothing but filled with BDSM element.

Goddess Of Glass (South Korean)
Rating: 7.5/10

Quoted from Wikipedia, Glass is typically Brittle and can be optically Transparent. She’s the Goddess, and She’s made of Glass. Enough said.

Nozomi Hazuki (South Korean)
Rating: 7.5/10

When Japan Meet Korea, you should expect nothing but good quality. This film features a Japanese Actress in a Korea Setting. (I believed so since the film opening has Korea words)

Honestly I did not finish the whole movie, I simply just scan through the thumbnails and focus on just a few scenes. You don’t have to finish it to know its good. I believe you’re done before you’re halfway through the film.

Rating Criteria

All the Ratings above are based on these 3 elements

  • The Upload Date — The longer the video survived on YouTube, the higher the rating.
  • The Frequency of Mature Scene
  • The Overall Story — Highly subjective

Author’s Opinion

As much as I enjoyed this Thursday experience of searching Korean on YouTube, I honestly feel that some changes should be reverted back. The fact that the age limit can be easily bypassed using a fake YouTube account means that Explicit Content should be more strictly regulated. Although nothing can truly stop one’s curiosity if they really want to find out, allowing these Explicit Content to be so easily available may indicate that they are socially acceptable. But… are they?

I’m not affiliated to nor do I own any of the YouTube Videos featured here. They are selected simply because they caught my attention when I was searching Korean on YouTube.

All the YouTube Videos are at least 3 Months old from the upload date, hence I assumed they are suitable for the public eyes. (Let me emphasize again, these videos are all age-restricted, if you are not of the legal age please move on to the next page)

Please Do Not share any links in the comments section. If there are any YouTube Videos that you feel that it should be up in this article, do PM me.

