The Short Recap

Jadranko Dragoje
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2022

The IT industry has been hit hard by the looming recession, with many companies being forced to freeze hiring or lay off employees in order to stay afloat. This is a problem that has been building for some time, as the industry has been plagued by over-hiring in recent years.

Prior to the pandemic and especially after the first wave of the alpha variant, the IT industry was booming. Companies were scrambling to hire as many workers as possible in order to keep up with the rapidly-evolving technology landscape. This led to a glut of IT workers, with many companies offering high salaries and generous benefits in order to attract the best and brightest, and also all the others.

However, the recession has brought the IT industry to a grinding halt. With businesses forced to shut down or operate at reduced capacity, the demand for IT services has plummeted. This has left many companies, especially the Big Tech, with a surplus of employees, forcing them to make difficult decisions about their staffing levels.

One of the biggest problems facing the IT industry is the abundance of inexperienced workers. Many companies were so eager to hire during the boom that they were willing to take on workers with little or no experience in the field. This has left these companies with a workforce that is ill-equipped to handle the challenges of the current economic climate.

In order to weather the storm, many IT companies are being forced to freeze hiring or lay off employees. This is a painful decision, but one that many companies feel is necessary in order to stay afloat. It remains to be seen how the industry will recover, but it is clear that difficult times lie ahead.

One shining bright light is the final breakthrough of AI services. The field of artificial intelligence has made great strides in recent years, and two new developments in particular are worth noting. The first is ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model that is capable of generating human-like responses to text-based queries. The second is Midjourney, a tool that uses machine learning to generate amazing images. Overall, the breakthroughs of ChatGPT and Midjourney are exciting developments in the field of AI, and have the potential to greatly improve a wide range of industries. It will be interesting to see how these tools are used in the future, and what other innovations the field has in store.

Fortunately, NSoft has been able to avoid bloat in its workforce, mostly because our middle management wished to maintain lean and efficient development teams. Our Games department has started the year with 39 employees and ended with 44. We kept our focus on improving stability of our virtual games, as well as adding additional features to our lottery and casino products. We are currently maintaining and developing over 30 products, from round based draw games like Lucky Six to casino slots like Temple of Horus.

Schema of Games department

The coming year will be a challenging one for us, as we will need to not only add new features to our existing products, but also research the potential use of AI in our products. This will require a lot of hard work and dedication, but we are confident that we are up to the task. We are excited about the opportunities that AI presents, and are looking forward to exploring its potential in our products.

In addition to AI, there are many other new features being developed for casino games. These include advanced graphics and animations, new game mechanics, and innovative bonus features. All of these innovations are designed to enhance the gameplay experience and make casino games even more enjoyable for players.

Overall, the world of casino game development is constantly evolving, with new and exciting features being developed all the time. This is great news for players, who can look forward to an ever-improving gaming experience as the industry continues to innovate.

Note: This blog post has been generated with help of the ChatGPT.

