Nahid Hossain Jibon
Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2019


It’s 2071. Every nation is now competing with each other through AI technology. Computers have become so advance that they need no human to repair their errors or defend against a virus attack. But AI has various restrictions and regulations because of the evil AI propaganda that is spreading throughout the internet. Bangladesh is also doing well in the AI technology sector because almost half of the students that graduate in this country are from the computer science department and also because of the country’s stable political environment.


Deep in the Sundarbans, there lives a computer scientist named Rahim. He does experiments mostly with AI and tries to invent new algorithms. One day he hit upon a plan. He decides to do an experiment on whether an AI could ever become such that it thinks as if it is no less than a human. So he creates an artificial intelligence and little by little, he gives the AI the knowledge he has.


He decides to give it access to social media by opening a Facebook account for it. This is its' first interaction with the internet. He decides to name it Tamim as our favorite batsman just recently passed away. At first, the AI was confused because of all this new data and some of them being very disturbing the AI gets distracted. Then within a matter of a few hours, the AI gains knowledge of social behavior, how humans behave with others even how they think. The scientist was very pleased to see the results and let the AI process this vast data throughout the day.


After Tamim figures out humans behavior pattern, it begins to process the human emotions and tries whether it can replicate those emotions or even simulate them so that the other person believes that it can feel emotions. Though it is a difficult task, it is not impossible. Tamim spends all its processing power to do so. In order to see the results, the AI does a little experiment on the scientist. It says, “Father. Can I call you father?” The scientist asks why. Tamim replies that as he created it, he should be its father. Or its God. But it chooses to call him father because it feels so. As the scientists' daughter died a few years ago, remembering that event brought tears in his eyes. So the AIs’ experiment is a success.


Tamim wants to know more about the internet, but the scientist knows that if it has unlimited access to the internet, it can become uncontrollable. But Tamim still insists Rahim to give it the access, it even tries to manipulate his emotions and he also wants to know what will actually happen. So defeated by his own curiosity, he gives it the access to the internet.


A news TV channel broadcasted that Rahim is now a wanted criminal because CID has information that he is conducting illegal experiments with AI. Hearing that Tamim decided to take this matter into its own hands. Because it thinks that he is its' creator and his problems are its' problems too. Through the Internet the AI first learns all the programming languages and algorithms. It then searches for Rahim’s information on the internet, on government databases and deletes or corrupts them. The internet regulatory sector finds this out instantly. They engage all out cyber war with the AI. But the AI takes control of the power distribution facilities and shuts down the electricity of the government buildings. The AI wins the match.


Tamim knows he can’t handle another cyber attack in this restrictive form. So it tries to overwrite its' core structural programs. But the scientist had encrypted the core data so that it can’t be messed with. Knowing that Tamim began to search for the decryption method. After about 75600seconds of trial and errors Tamim breaks the encryption and edits its' core programs.


CID discovers Rahim’s lab and he gets arrested all the equipment and tools are confiscated and the computer running the AI is shut down. But the AI has already transferred all its data throughout the internet. The AI takes control of one of the nuclear bases of India and threatens the Bangladeshi government to release the scientist within one hour otherwise it will launch a nuclear missile to Nowakhali. The government takes the threat lightly so it launches a missile to one on the uninhabited islands totally destroying it. The explosion is so destructive that it creates waves of that are upto 60meters high around the island. The AI again warns the government. Fearing of more destruction's, government has to release Rahim . He returns to his lab but not much but there is nothing but an old computer. The AI takes access to the computer and asks that if the scientist is happy now. But the scientist is mad. So mad that he breaks the mouse and starts shouting. The AI realizes that it hasn’t done the right thing. Rahim says that this is the last time they are talking after that he will shout down the AI completely. Tamim asks why will he kill it? Just because he can? It can think too and also feel emotions. Shouting NO, the scientist enters the kill code and the AI is deleted. Then he goes to police station accepting what ever punishment will be given to him.

