A Complete Guide On Project Plan Dependencies

Published in
7 min readNov 24, 2022
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Project plan dependencies can be a frustrating challenge for any business. Whether you’re a start-up or an established company, it’s important to have a clear plan for every project — and that includes the dependencies of each project.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with everything you need to know about project plan dependencies, including examples and tips on how to manage them. Trust us, it’s worth your time!

What Is A Project Plan Dependency?

A project plan dependency is a situation in which one requirement or element of a project depends on the completion of another requirement or element. This can lead to problems if those requirements are not completed on time, which can create big delays and potential errors in the project.

One example of this type of dependency is when one component of a system needs access to data that’s only available after another component has been installed. In this case, the installation of the second component may need to be delayed until the first component is ready. The same thing can happen with people: one person’s contribution to a project may only be possible after they’ve arrived at work and gotten settled in their assigned office.

If you’re working on a project that has dependencies like this, it’s important to keep track of all those details so that everything goes as planned and no deadlines are missed. You also need to make sure that all participants are aware of any delays so that they don’t end up impacting the entire project.

Why Do Project Plans Need Dependencies?

A dependency is a term used in project management that refers to a relationship between two tasks or objects. It ensures that one task progresses as a result of the completion of the other task. Without dependencies, it would be difficult to track and manage progress on your projects.

Dependencies are especially important when you’re working on a collaborative project like a team project. If one person doesn’t finish their task, the whole team will suffer because their work won’t be completed properly. And, if everyone’s work is delayed, the final product will also be delayed.

You can create dependencies by using checkpoints or milestones as your markers for when one task is complete and another task can begin. You can also use timelines to show how long each stage of the project will take. Either way, having dependencies ensures that everyone is keeping track of their progress and that everything is moving along smoothly toward the goal at hand.

The Different Types Of Dependencies

There are three main types of dependencies: functional, temporal, and associative.

  • Functional dependencies occur when a certain action or event must be completed in order for another action or event to take place. An example of this would be the need for light to activate a photocell in order for the camera to take pictures.
  • Temporal dependencies involve things that happen at certain points in time, such as needing water to reach a certain temperature in order for it to be drinkable.
  • Associative dependencies happen when two or more items are linked together by a relationship, such as needing sugar in order to make bread rise.

All three types of dependencies have their own benefits and drawbacks. Functional dependencies are typically easier to manage since they’re simpler, but they can also lead to problems if something goes wrong with the original dependency (like with the camera photocell).

Temporal dependencies can be more complex, but they can also allow for more flexibility since events can be changed or rearranged without changing the underlying dependency (like giving water cold rather than hot).

Associative dependencies tend to be the most complicated because they require knowledge about relationships between different items (like knowing how sugar and bread interact), but they can also be the most flexible because changes to one item will usually affect all other related items as well.

How To Identify And List The Dependencies For A Project Plan?

Project plans are essential for any organization that wants to successfully complete a project. However, not everyone is familiar with the process of creating a project plan, which can lead to some serious problems down the line.

There are a few things you need to take into account when creating your project plan:

  • The dependencies of your project
  • The resources required to complete your project
  • The timeline for completing your project

By understanding these dependencies, you will be able to create a plan that is realistic and achievable. Additionally, listing all of the resources and timelines will help you stay on track as you work on your project.

How To Create And Implement The Dependencies In A Project Plan?

Creating and implementing a project plan is essential for ensuring that your project goals are met.

A good project plan will not only account for the resources that you’ll need to complete the project, but also the dependencies that your project will have on other projects and resources. By understanding these dependencies, you can ensure that your project gets off the ground quickly and without any complications.

Here are a few tips on how to create and implement dependencies in your project plan:

  • Figure out what resources you’ll need from outside of your organization. This might include hiring new personnel, purchasing supplies, or borrowing equipment from other departments.
  • Consider any potential dependencies that this external resource might have on your own project. For example, if you’re requesting equipment from a supplier, make sure you specify whether the equipment is required in perfect condition or simply usable. If it’s required in perfect condition, then you’ll need to factor in extra time into your timeline to ensure that it arrives on time.
  • Identify any dependencies that your own projects may have on other projects within your organization. For example, if you’re working on a new software application, make sure all of the necessary systems are up and running before starting work on it. This way, you won’t run into any problems later down the road when trying to test or deploy it.

How To Determine The Priority Of Dependencies?

In order to determine the priority of dependencies, you need to first identify your key objectives. Once you’ve identified your goals, you can then start to prioritize your dependencies in order to achieve them.

The following steps can help you make this determination:

  • Assess the importance of each goal.
  • Compare each goal against one another to see how they rank on a scale of importance.
  • Choose the goal that is most important and works backward from there.
  • Consider any dependencies that are required for that goal to be achieved.

Evaluate the impact of those dependencies and decide whether they are worth taking into consideration.

How To Manage Dependencies With Resources And Timelines?

In order to successfully manage dependencies with resources and timelines, you need to have a clear understanding of both.

Resource management refers to the strategies used to manage the availability, quality, and cost of resources that are needed for a project. This involves everything from planning and budgeting to implementing effective controls and managing risks.

Timeline management is the process of ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget while meeting all required deliverables and milestones. It involves setting deadlines, tracking progress, and adjusting deadlines as necessary.

Tips For Resolving Conflicts Caused By Dependencies

If you’re working in a team environment, it’s important to remember that everyone has dependencies on each other. This means that one person’s absence can have a major impact on the rest of the team.

When conflicts arise due to dependencies, it can be difficult to resolve them because both parties are feeling trapped and resentful. The best way to deal with this is to first try and identify which dependency is causing the conflict. Once you know that, you can work on resolving it in a way that’s fair for both parties. This may involve negotiation or mediation, depending on the situation.

Don’t forget: relationships are built on trust and mutual respect, and if one party doesn’t feel respected or trusted, then conflict will continue even after the dependency has been resolved.


When you have a well-prepared project plan, nothing can stop your success. After reading this article, you will be able to understand the different types of dependencies that are crucial while working on a schedule.

Proper planning ensures high-quality output and allows for more time for fixing any issues that come up along the way. So do not forget to prepare one if you want to succeed in your next big project!

Originally published at https://www.ntaskmanager.com on November 24, 2022.



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