5 Things A Doctor Must Do For Positive Patient Engagement

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2021

The healthcare industry is changing for the better and becoming more patient-centric. The importance of patient engagement was known even before, but today it has become the need of the hour. The state of a doctor-patient relationship holds a lot more influence on the care, its acceptance by the patient, and the time required to heal. Ultimately, the rate of these factors decides upon the patient experience and helps to measure patient satisfaction.

Though this might look easy to read, there are a lot of factors that can get in the way of the doctor-patient relationship and hamper the process of happy healthcare. Nth Sense, a patient engagement platform in India provides all the necessary patient engagement solutions that aid healthcare professionals to attain all the goals of happy patients and effective practice.

The art and science of human connection in medicine

Physicians are privileged to work with people in their most vulnerable moments. But in today’s climate, particularly in primary care, it’s easy to lose sight of that with all of the administrative demands, time pressures, and technology distractions. Patient engagement solutions from platforms like Nth Sense will fill this gap and bestow two purposes covering both sides-

  1. Improve patients’ experience and lead to better care for them
  2. Improve the experience of clinicians and help them to rediscover the joy of medicine

Wondering how to do so?

Here are 5 simple yet supreme things to do for positive patient engagement-

1. Stay in touch

Communication is the key. Your availability for your patient’s doubts will make sure they solve them better and not end up hampering their care by taking some irrational steps. In fact, be there for your patients even post the recovery. This shall certainly ensure a positive patient experience and increase the chances of positive word of mouth.

2. Provide feedback option

Patients like to talk, what is important is do they talk to you or about you! Let your patients reveal their opinion directly to you. Patient feedback proves to be one of the best patient engagement solutions that a doctor must provide. After all, feedback is a step towards improving on the wrong and enhancing the right.

best patient experience in india with nth sense

3. Ensure good patient experience

Healthcare is all about patients’ experience & their satisfaction. Ensure that all your activities revolve around this and make your patient feel involved, and informed.

4. Make easy virtual consultation available

Virtual is the new normal. Give easy access to virtual consultations to your patients. Eliminate the complicated process and focus on how to make it more lively to make the patient feel comfortable.

5. Maintain social relevance

While treating a patient make sure your way of practice is socially relevant. For instance, make sure the language of communication and the topic shared is relevant to the patient.

With these 5 things in mind, the doctor-patient relationship shall certainly enhance and aid in positive patient engagement. If this looks like a taxing task and you need a helping hand, Nth Sense has its hand stretched towards you.

Explore the highly effective patient engagement solutions at Nth Sense and see how it empowers you with these tasks.

Note- Nth Sense has a unique feedback design that displays an immense success rate for its clients as far as the patient experience is considered. Join this journey that takes you to a happy healthcare experience.

