A Tie-in of Feminine Health & Yoga Asanas

Today, yoga has penetrated into the regular lifestyle so much that yogasanas are now tailor-made for every individual based on their lifestyle or lifestyle issues. It is now recognized as a part of health.

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
3 min readApr 30, 2022


This blog shall further share such tailor-made sets of asanas specifically for feminine health. According to the yogic philosophy, mind and body in harmony are of most significance and the secret to achieving this lies in the right practice of yoga and pranayama.

Current times have brought in a colossal amount of pressure considering all the factors under the sky, right from occupation to any human relation. Nonetheless, COVID-19 pandemic has fueled this situation.

Coming to our blog topic, femimine health, a female body is a little divergent than males as its psychological tension straightforwardly influences the chemical framework. All of this brings about a flood of added problems like PCOS/PCOD, Amenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhea, Endometriosis, Infertility, Adenomyosis, Uterine Fibroids, and so on.

Did you know?
In India each third young lady experiences PCOS.

Mental pressure, a stationary way of life and other such reasons vigorously contribute towards the declining of a woman’s wellbeing. On the other hand, yoga itself contributes towards managing all these issues and healing!

Here is a set of 7 best yoga asanas for female wellbeing you ought to depend on.

  1. Yoni Mudra

Yoni implies Womb or Source and Mudra implies Gesture or demeanor assisting us with getting into the right mind frame. This Mudra helps in controlling the feminine agony and chemical cycle.

2. Dhannurasana

This bow looking pose offers a number of benefits; to name a few- Balances the chemicals, Eliminates stomach fat, Astounding spine.

Dhannurasana yoga asana nth sense patient engagement solutions

3. Marjariasana

This cat looking pose eases menstrual issues and leucorrhea, controls that irritating hormonal change, great for spine, neck, shoulders.

4. Bhujangasana

This Cobra looking pose alleviates lower back torment, maintains hormonal equilibrium, tones the Ovaries and Uterus

5. Supta Vakrasana

Simple mitigates period cramps. Plus, it can be performed on period days too! Yes! Such a relief right?

Supta Vakrasana yoga asana nth sense patient engagement solutions

6. Basic Pigeon Asana

Nothing more, nothing less, it animates stomach organs and diminishes feminine inconvenience.

Basic Pigeon Asana yoga asana nth sense patient engagement solutions

7. Badhakonasana

It is a best way of strengthening conceptive framework. It is a great hip opener

That was the 7th and last of this set. How fascinating it is that each asana is so specific and together forms a bag of complete healing, isn’t it?

Note- This set of yogasana is explicitly created by yoga teacher Anjali Seernani. Nth Sense being the most reliable patient engagement platform believes in bridging the gap in between the healthcare seekers and providers. Thus it strives to bring in front the most authentic and expert health information.

Because, patient care matters.

Here is a quick get in touch link to Ms. Anjali — Yoga Consultant and Trainer
So with this yoga routine, unwind and say goodbye to feminine uneasiness.

