All About Online Consulting

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2021

No denying to the fact that the advancements in technology has brought in various perks to mankind. Adding to this, in this day and age, humans are living in an unknowingly erected culture, in fact a revolution to say, a revolution of convenience.

Man is more inclined towards activities which are in accordance to his comfort first. For example, home delivery of food orders, remote learning, searching anything and everything on google, almost all of life has shifted to function via the web. And all of this is for a mere simple reason- the convenience!

online consultation by nth sense patient engagement in india

Life on the web has brought an ease to a number of tasks that consumed a lot of time and energy. But as said, every coin has its two sides, this convenience brings in some concerns too.

Talking here about the healthcare system, it is witnessing this revolution as well. One of the significant opportunities of the 21st century is the potential to safely harness the power of the enhanced technology which plays a major role in this convenience revolution. There’s a scope to proactively meet the challenges of improving healthcare & providing sustainable patient engagement solutions.

Over here comes in the demand of not just online consulting, but effective online consulting.

Outline of Online Consulting

Just as the name suggests, it is a virtual doctor-patient connection. It can also be termed as telemedicine practice that serves a lot many benefits.

To put it in layman words- Evaluate, diagnose and treat patients through a digital platform.

Nth Sense, a patient engagement platform encourages & strives to enhance online consulting for any healthcare professional for various fruitful reasons. Here is an overview of it.

A brisk look into the benefits of online consulting first

online consultation with doctor patient engagement in india by Nth sense
  1. Appointments have no boundaries which helps patients to connect with a doctor in any corner from anywhere; and for the doctors it acts like a catalyst to their practice.
  2. Travel cost is reduced which enables patients to opt for better care and not neglect anything important because of concerns like finance.
  3. Comfortable for both healthcare providers and seekers as it brings convenience. Doctors need not constantly sit in their clinics and wait for patients to come and on the other hand, patients can seek consultations on time without waiting in a queue.
  4. Most important advantage in this world of COVID today- No risk of infections as there’s no physical visit and needless to say, viruses/bacteria's thankfully cannot travel through technology!

While counting, this list shall just keep increasing! So let us now shift our attention to other aspects of online consulting.

How to make online consulting effective?

Here is basic guideline to this question which when brought into practice will ensure effective online consulting-

  1. Timely presence on the web and its platforms like social media.
  2. A convenient mode of communication for the patients to contact; after all the sole purpose of online consulting is to reduce a patient’s hustle in getting the answers to his doubts or treatments on time.
  3. Use of easy and not technical language while online communication as it can become difficult for the seekers to comprehend the information and may lead to misunderstandings ultimately affecting their health.
  4. Stay connected with the patients post treatment too. This will make them feel valued, informed and most importantly retain them for future consultancies.
  5. All these activities when done effectively, it helps in spreading a positive word of mouth.

This might look as an additional task for some healthcare professionals but is of equal importance while considering online consulting.To bring ease around this task without letting it become a barrier to the practice and service of any healthcare provider, Nth Sense serves the best patient engagement solutions.

How does Nth Sense benefit the healthcare providers with their online consulting?

When it comes to doctor-patient relationships, humans are habitual of physical meets and in-person appointments. So it becomes highly important to make them feel comfortable with this virtual arrangement.

Thus, to fill this void of no face interaction, Nth Sense takes all the necessary efforts.

patient engagement in india by nth sense online doctor consultation

It helps in creating a confident image of the doctors via showcasing his knowledge and work around it through engaging social media creatives, emphatic blogs and many other suitable activities. Eventually it helps in building trust among the seekers about the doctor when he/she decides to get an online consultation.

Displaying testimonials (as consumer review is more valuable) is what forms a major attempt by Nth Sense in enhancing the connection between the seekers and the providers.

All in all, Nth Sense endeavors at making the online consulting smoother for positive patient experience as well as assisting the doctors with the best suitable services. To know how everything works, visit

