Crux of the modern-day Doctor Patient Communication

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2022

Patients don’t necessarily remember the doctor’s prescription, but mostly remember their communication

Empathetic communication is the backbone of any human interaction. Talking about the healthcare industry, when a patient meets the doctor or any medical assistant for that matter; it is not just the medical help the patient seeks at that moment. He also seeks mental and psychological aid from the dilemma, stress, anxiety, and physically discomforting pain born out of the medical illness.

A patient is not just a medical subject having a medical ailment. He is obviously a human being with social, personal, emotional, and psychological identities. Thus, the need of giving the concept of doctor-patient communication its due importance, is to be understood! Treating patients as mere ‘medical subjects’ may not cater to the social, emotional, and psychological needs of the patients.

When these needs are not met by the doctor, it can create a feeling of abandonment, and suspicion in the minds of the patients which may lead to delay in the recovery and effective rehabilitation of the patient. Yes, that’s a chain!

Considering everything stated above, at times it can be tough to decide upon one specific communication strategy. Well, here are some tips that will help you design your own plan.

Modern-day Doctor Patient Communication

Tips on building the right communication

1. Stay all ears

Proactive listening makes patients feel confident and comfortable sharing their medical problems with the doctor in much detail. When there is transparent communication, it helps the doctor to better diagnose and design more patient-specific treatment plans. The simplest yet the most crucial act- listen!

2. Keep the caretaker all-involved.

In most parts of the world, family members and friends are the principal caregivers of the patients. They are the ones who spend the most time with the patient. They are the ones who are most aware of the personality, behavior pattern, past medical history and lifestyle of the patient. Having this person included in the conversation with the doctor gives a sense of confidence to the patient and caregiver as well that they have an empowered role to play in this medical journey.

To a doctor, it also helps to know some specific aspects of the patient’s history that the patient may not share or miss to share. A minute detail can play an important role in developing a treatment plan for the patient.

3. Ask a mix of subjective and objective questions

While understanding the patient’s history, many doctors tend to follow an ‘objectively clinical approach’; meaning only‘Yes’ or ‘No’ types of questions which only give a limited range of information. Incorporating some subjective questions where a patient can answer a little more in detail can enhance the entire doctor-patient communication.

Say for example, instead of simply asking ‘do you experience anxiety?’ you may add — ‘Which situations make you feel anxious?’

Moreover, it will also add to the patient experience as he will feel valued.

4. Attention to body language-the instant communicator

Although nonverbal, body language speaks a lot. It might not directly impact the treatment to be given but paying attention to facial expression, body posture, breathing, tone of voice, choice of words of patients can notify whether the patient is agreeing with you. It is kind of instant patient feedback on which a doctor can immediately amend if the patient seems uncomfortable.

When a doctor takes all these extra efforts to notice the minute things, it makes their bond with patients even more special

How does doctor-patient communication impact patients?

If efficient, doctor-patient communication brings the following benefits-

- Creates patient’s confidence vis a vis doctor treatment

- Creates psychological boosting and positive placebo effect which makes patient positive towards accepting the treatment plan

- Help in effective post-treatment rehabilitation of the patient

- Empowers patients in the decision-making process

- Maintains and preserves the human dignity of the patients as social, personal, and emotional being

Doctor patient communication

What does doctor-patient communication bring to doctors?

● It helps in building strong bonds with the patients

● Makes health caregivers more empathetic toward the physical, mental, emotional, and psychological needs of the patients

● Helps in the better & personalised diagnosis of the patients

● Brings a strong sense of satisfaction and confidence within the professional capacities of the doctor

● Develops positive patient engagement which ultimately leads to more organic patients referring to the doctor by word of mouth leading to the sustainable growth of the individual’s medical practice.

Coming to conclusion -

Since we have covered the significance and salient features of Doctor-Patient Communication, it is comprehended that healthcare professionals are already tied up with a lot on their plate to differently plan for communication strategies.

What if we tell you that you can connect with a ‘strategic communication partner’ which can act as a catalytic bridge between you and your patient? Yes, Nth Sense does exactly that- builds a bridge between seekers and providers as a patient engagement solutions provider.


Medicines heal patients’ physical medical issues but good communication between a doctor & his patient helps the patient to heal holistically.

