Desk Job & Office Yoga: Undo the Damage

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2022

Our bodies are designed to move but our jobs are designed to stick to a chair, isn’t it? Well, yes a job pays your bills, but have you calculated at what price?

Occupations of today’s time are majorly seated. Though computers reign our days, we somehow ruin our lives. Sitting for hours on end people barely realise that the day has gone with hardly 1000 steps walked!

Here you buy the most expensive yet detrimental ticket to aches, pains, stress, discomfort. Plus all of this does not necessarily stay temporary.

Looking at the facts-

Just to make it more factual, did you know? As per WHO, 60% to 85% of the worldwide populace doesn’t take part in sufficient active work. Not to mention, pandemic life might have escalated this number. A sedentary lifestyle has become the new normal and has aggravated even more problems, to name a few- heftiness, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, dementia, outer muscle degeneration, etc.

Well, enough of the problem stating, let us look at the solution that yoga Teacher Anjali Seernani, from Aum Shanti Yoga has shared. She curated a set of asanas for her clients; as part of her client/patient engagement activity. These asanas focus on muscles as a whole to reduce their strain, strengthen the core and keep them dynamic, away from irritation.

How does yoga help manage a sedentary lifestyle?

Yoga not just assists with balancing a portion of the destructive impacts of sitting the entire day but also additionally assists with preventing solid degeneration/weakening by fortifying the outer muscle framework.

Below are a few asanas/stances at your rescue of a continuous desk job.
Most importantly you need not worry about the yoga mats or apparel; as the name suggests- that’s office yoga! Read below why it is said so.

  1. Parallel Neck Stretches
office yoga nth sense patient engagement platform

● Sit upstanding

● Put your right hand on the left sanctuary (situated on the head behind the eyes) Gradually drop your head, consequently bringing the right ear near the right shoulder.

● Pause and take 5 full breaths prior to getting back to the beginning position.

Perform a similar cycle with your left hand. Complete 5 reps on each side for best outcomes.

How does this help?
It helps in relaxing the back and neck muscles decreasing any snugness you could feel in the area because of the position you are sitting in with your PC/laptop

2. Wrist Movement

office yoga nth sense patient engagement platform

● Start by loosening up your right arm at shoulder level, with your palm pushed out and fingers highlighting the sky.

● Take 3 full breaths and loosen up the stretch.

● Then, twist your hand forward from the wrist to such an extent that your fingers are presently pointing down and affirm a delicate force.

● Take 3 full breaths and loosen up the stretch.

Practice a similar cycle with your left hand. Make sure to keep your arm straight all through the stretch. Additionally, ensure that your fingers or knuckles are not twisted during the training. Complete 5 reps with each hand for best outcomes.

How does this help?
Practicing this consistently protects the deltoids and rear arm muscle (the shoulder muscles) that eventually strengthens the development of the elbow and shoulder.

3. Situated Cat and Cow

● Start by sitting in the centrepiece of the seat or stool, with the goal that you have adequate space to move.

● Ensure your legs are at a 90-degree point, and that your feet are level on the floor. Begin by sitting upstanding,

● As you breathe out, pull in your lower mid-region, twist and get your jawline into your chest. The thought is to make a ‘C’ shape with your spine.

● Then, as you breathe in, present your midsection and curve your back.

● Slowly turn upward toward the roof.

Redo 5–7 times as per your convenience.

How does this help?
It decreases the strain in the neck, shoulder, and back. It likewise reinforces the back and guarantees that the spine stays adaptable.

4. Foot Extension

● Start by expanding your right leg outward.

● Then, arch your feet in a manner that they are away from you and feel the stretch.

● Then, flex your foot so that your toes are presently highlighting you, and again feel the stretch.

Rehash the cycle multiple times. Do likewise with your left leg.

How does this help?
This activity will assist with keeping your feet muscles dynamic and staying away from any muscle irritation that might be caused because of non-movement for significant stretches of time.

5. Ankle Rotation

office yoga nth sense patient engagement platform

● Begin by expanding your right leg out.

● Pivot your foot at the lower leg in a clockwise course.

● When you do as such, make sure to keep the foot marginally extended and your toes straight.

Complete 10 reps clockwise and 10 anti-clockwise. Do likewise with your left leg.

How does this help?
It assists with lessening any weight on the foot and legs. They likewise assist with staying away from torments in the knees, back, and neck.

6. Palming

● Sit upstanding and shut your eyes.

● Rub your palms together, to such an extent that they become warm.

● Place the warm palm over your shut eyelids and experience the glow being moved to your eyes.

● When the glow appears to have gone, rub your palms together once more, while your eyes are closed, and put them on your eyes once more.

Now that you have read all of these, here’s a bonus!

3 More hacks -
1) Walk! Whenever you can.
2) Take a ‘stretch break’ as regularly as possible.
3) Make sure that the highest point of your PC screen is at eye level, or somewhat beneath your eye level

Quick link - Yoga Consultation with Anjali Seernani

Avoid being a desk potato! Beat the evil impacts of sitting day in and day out. Keep following Nth Sense, people’s favourite patient engagement platform, because this space brings to you all the authentic health tips you need to live a healthy life.

