Developing a Medical Website? Get insights!

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2022
Developing a Medical Website? Get insights!

The importance of online presence for any businesses has changed dramatically in the past few years. Online marketing has taken over conventional marketing in an exponential way. In view of this, healthcare marketing has also transformed.

Since it offers more efficient ways for Healthcare Providers (HCPs) to provide content and establish themselves as legitimate providers, a medical website is the foremost asset that gets counted in this process.

Trust is of utmost importance in the healthcare industry; afterall, patients rely on HCPs to take care of their most valuable possession — health! Having said that, gaining this confidence is not easy.

To present an image of reliability, showcasing proof to back up and constantly thriving on delivering the promises made, all of it with empathy is the crucial deal! Having a website, with essential parameters checked, can help you crack this deal efficiently.

People who go to medical websites are seeking authentic answers to their serious health related questions. So these websites should be simple to use, navigate, and have a pleasant appearance. Yet it’s obvious to be unsure of how to begin to develop an optimum medical website, afterall, you are expert at providing care and managing your wellness establishments but some technicalities might leave you puzzled.

So whether you want to get to know more about a doctor website, its best practices, or simply get into the heads of your website visitors, here is all the information you need to know; let’s get started.

Bare minimum practices to follow

Mobile friendliness

Did you know?

In 2021, mobile accounted for around 54.8% of global website traffic Clearly a non-negotiable aspect of today’s age. If ignored, you will be losing half of your potential traffic. So make sure your website will adjust to the screen of mobile/tabs as good as computers.

Excellent level of security

Privacy and security is of utmost priority. When you decide to pursue medical website development, the question of regulatory compliance is bound to come up. Since healthcare information is highly sensitive, it is of utmost importance that the medical records stored online are highly protected.

Fast load speed

Did you know?

On an average, internet users only take 0.05 seconds (50 milliseconds) to make their mind up about your website. To be precise, research states that 25% of visitors will abandon a web page that takes more than 4 seconds to load. So to impress website visitors, you need fast load times and key info up top.

Valuable content

Patients visit your site to seek answers, so make sure you provide the right information in an easy to understand language. Technical terms, vague information will not only confuse the patient but will make him find some alternative. Here are some content tips you may include to your website -

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Patient feedback
  • Blog posts
  • Medical news

Consistent branding

To make your clinic/hospital identifiable, keep uniformity overall. For eg. the fonts throughout the website, colour palate, logo. Also, do not miss parallel social media presence, that’s where you can magnify your brand visibility and attract more patients. Remember, people notice the look and the feel, so leverage some aesthetic elements.

Well, all of this might seem overwhelming, but it’s better to follow all these practices right from the beginning to reap the rewards of a right medical website developed. It’s not necessary to do all of it on your own; there are providers of digital healthcare solutions like Nth Sense who have a dedicated team to cater to all your medical website needs.

Nth Sense’s Expertise — One of the case studies

For its one of the recent clients- New Medical Center(NMC), a Tifton based clinic, Nth Sense has set a paper to electronic journey. Considering the geographical area and the target audience of NMC, Nth Sense designed an all new website with a simple and easy to recall, user-friendly logo. While scrolling down the home page you can find attractive images and happy faces which adds to patient experience when he/she visits the website all in accordance with HIPAA compliance.

Nth Sense is known for offering customised patient engagement services at an affordable price considering the end user’s (patient’s)expense.

Afterall, Nth Sense aims to make healthcare a happy experience.

Closing thoughts to open avenues for you

Always question yourself- Is your website costing you clients?

Convert your website from client-repellent to enticing, user-friendly and conversion-driven. We hope you have gathered enough insights on developing a medical website.

Let’s get started!

