Earn brownie points on your medical consultation

The healthcare industry is different from any other consumer industry.

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
3 min readOct 11, 2021


Here, people are patients, and engaging with them needs a focus on empathy and emotional quotient. In other words, healthcare is not a material to be sold but an experience to be given. Thus, patient experience & patient satisfaction become the pillars of good healthcare. And there is no harm in saying that many times, the best medical advice does not mean assured patient satisfaction.

To understand this, let us break down the difference between patient, consumer & human. People, when turning into patients, might become consumers who are consuming healthcare; might is the word. However, the fact would never change that they are humans first and will always be! Thus, acknowledging patients’ emotions and considering their challenges and goals become paramount.

Note- When a healthcare professional considers this parameter into practice, it gives an impression of personalized care. The patient feels involved, appreciated & valued. And thus a happy patient is born not to die ever!

And Voila! Here you earn the most important brownie point!

Here is a list of more such 5 things that reward a healthcare professional with brownie points-

  1. Relaxed waiting room — Needless to say, that healthcare professionals do their best in treatments & face to face engagement with patients. But did you know as small an effort as keeping patients entertained and engaged in the waiting room can add to those brownie points? Afterall, it is the first place to put positivity in patients’ minds. Pleasant images or a comfortable ambiance can solve the purpose.
  2. Visual explanations of the treatment- Visual explanations of the treatment a patient is undergoing can help him/her understand the process and participate accordingly. This will ensure the patient is thoroughly involved and ultimately enhance their recovery speed. Going this extra mile to explain the treatment in the form of a video will make them mentally relaxed, and help you earn a brownie point.
  3. Your health tips make a patient HERO- When you share a health tip with your patient, he reshares it on his/her social media or through chat groups. This makes him a HERO as that information is authentic and he shares it with full confidence. By making your patients a HERO among their social circle, you earn a brownie point. P.S. — Don’t skip the visibility that this sharing activity brings in like a chocolate topping to that Brownie.
  4. Festive Greeting Messages- Greetings messages are liked by all. When your patient will find it in his inbox from his +doctor, it will surely add to his happiness. Be it a“Happy Diwali”, “Eid Mubarak”, “Merry Christmas” or even “Micchami Dukkadam” greeting, a simple festive greetings message on their Whatsapp will bring smiles to their faces and brownie points in your bucket.
  5. Gather Feedback- Consider feedback as the bond strengthening element. Though it sometimes becomes difficult to receive feedback due to barriers like patience, trust, time, etc., here is a solution that rewards brownie points-

a) When you send them feedback forms with simple multiple-choice questions, you generate interest amongst them to give feedback.

b) When you show the eagerness to receive honest feedback yet give them the POWER to keep their identity anonymous, you solve the purpose.

c) In some cases where patients aren’t comfortable with giving online feedback, your pleasant calls to those can work.

Patient experience with browine

Nth Sense role in this process

Brownies might look tempting but achieving them might become a task! Nth Sense understands how healthcare professionals work in a super-tight schedule and thus cant undertake this process even though they wish to. Thus, it is a helping hand for healthcare professionals who want to consider all the important patient engagement factors to enhance their practice along with patient experience.

Nth Sense with its different yet effective patient engagement solutions empowers every healthcare professional to tap on all the stages of a patient’s journey and keep collecting those brownie points.

When are you taking your step towards brownies? Get in touch with Nth Sense to start the process.

