5 Ways For You To Reduce Possible Patient Risks

Smiles are free, yet they are worth a lot & patient engagement activities add more to this worth!

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
3 min readDec 27, 2021


The outbreak of coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) had its disturbing effects on each and every segment of society. In fact, its impact has not yet gone; it is paramount even today. The healthcare industry altogether has witnessed these consequences through a different & difficult lens. However, all the frontline workers have shown the world how it looks to be on the edge and fight the war. A salute to these COVID-19 warriors.

Having said that, times have changed for healthcare professionals. Engaging patients (though a demanding task) has become an essential act. Let us talk about the dental health industry and the dentists today.

COVID-19 and Dentistry

While almost every aspect of society adopted digital functioning, imagining dental procedures in the same manner, looked difficult. However, teledentistry came in as a savior. But, even then as time passed, the need for physical consultation was felt because of course, dental procedures couldn’t go digital.

On the other hand, having remote care as an option invited some behavioral risks at the patient’s end.

2 common scenarios that arose were — patients getting reluctant & delaying the care or getting too convenient only on telecare & avoiding physical visits. Both of these are a topic of concern.

What could be the patient risks for dentists?

Well, nothing greater than these 3 risk factors that can create uncertainty for a dentist and patient care-

  1. Skeptical patients who either hesitate to share their problems or procrastinate.
  2. Availability of online material (not necessarily authentic) that creates an impression that if free care is available why pay to others.
  3. Self-medicated patients aggravate their condition making it more difficult to treat.

How to minimize these risks?

Patient engagement solutions give the best answers for efficient patient care. Opt these top 5 convenient and effective ways-

1. Stay available

Just as basic but classic- be there for your patients on time. Besides, make it convenient for them to get in touch with you.

2. Keep communicating/educating

Don’t just tell your patients to follow certain rules, educate them on why to and what if not. Share additional information that might help them. It will keep them informed to make the right decisions.

3. Take feedback's

Feedback is a direct insight into patient care. When you ask about the care provided, its response guides you towards patient experience and enables you to take measures accordingly.

4. Ensure patients that they are in a safe space

Safety in healthcare is required forever. In Fact, people have become more conscious about the same after going through this gloomy pandemic (COVID-19). You certainly would be taking all the safety measures for your patients, however, when you share about them it creates a positive impact. Here is a dentist’s blog that has done exactly the same.

5. Pleasant in-clinic atmosphere

Patient experience is paramount. A pleasant in-clinic atmosphere boosts a positive one. An ambiance that calms down the negative thoughts & at the same time adds value to the patient’s knowledge makes the in-clinic atmosphere superior.

Role of patient engagement as a tool to survive the post-Covid era

The Post-Covid era has already shown a different world and has certainly changed things, if not forever at least for long. The healthcare industry is one of them.

However, this isn’t a scary thing, in fact, a new widened scope for doctors to take part in digital health. A patient engagement platform is the best suited to execute this scope.

Nth Sense & its comprehensive solutions

Nth Sense is an experienced patient engagement platform that pours all its professional understanding in the basket of any Healthcare Professional (HCP) associated. With effective and customized patient engagement solutions, Nth Sense offers a strategic plan to minimize all patient risks.

So if you are a dentist, you will be approached accordingly. Now that you know where to go to add positive experience to your patient care, when are you taking this leap?

