Journey of a Prospect With Nth Sense

A journey and its destination

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
4 min readFeb 18, 2021


It is typically said that the journey holds a lot more importance than the destination it takes you to. But when it comes to healthcare, the destination is more dominant as it ensures cure to the illness. Despite that, a smooth and effective journey of a healthcare professional with his patient is what aids in fast and a healthy recovery which is again the ultimate destination! And what serves this game of smooth journey and efficacious destination? None other than an adept patient engagement platform.

Journey of a Prospect With Nth Sense patient engagement solutions provider in india

Confusing? Wait! It is a simple logical connection to understand. Today patient engagement is becoming a prominent tool to strengthen the healthcare system. Thus, it is important to dive into it with effectiveness.

When it comes to patient engagement half the battle is understanding what the patient expects and the other half is meeting or exceeding those expectations. Nth Sense provides patient engagement solutions which aids in converting these two halves into one whole effect.

Until you create your own experience, here is a roadmap to give you an explicit outline of how a healthcare professional’s patient engagement journey starts and moves ahead with Nth Sense-

  1. First and foremost welcoming move -

All the basic information required to create a dedicated & customized webpage is gathered from the respective healthcare provider which includes his/her profile brief, awards received and other professional details.

Once the desired page is ready, it is sent back to cross-check if the information understood is correct.

2. Second step is put towards strategy making -

Answers of the questions are obtained like- What is the most frequent problem that your patients face? or what do you want to communicate? What is your actual requirement?

The strategy becomes subjective to the professional. For eg. one of the doctors at Nth Sense wanted communication around how his clinic has adopted all the safety measures and cares for its patients even in these times of covid.

Journey of a Prospect With Nth Sense patient engagement solutions provider in india

3. When it comes to content, 2 components are are touched upon

  • Empathetic blogs are curated - Once the pointers to convey are collected from the doctors, detailed blogs are written which are re-sent for a sign-off from their end. A team of expert content writers plus graphic designers get together in this process and bring out blogs that a patient thoroughly enjoys as well as understands while reading.
  • Social media calendar with required particulars - Monthly calendars are created and shared with the doctor that includes every minute detail of what to, when to and how to post. Not ending here, but every post is monitored carefully by the social media experts at Nth Sense in order to avoid unfortunate/controversial events that might occur due to wrong posting.

4. Weekly call by relationship manager & Monthly call with founder -

These calls are scheduled for the doctors to ensure a smooth functioning of the process in line.

5. Monthly reports of the outputs and outcomes are shared -

A report that gives insights of the social media activities done throughout the month with statistics is prepared and shared by the team with the respective doctor.

6. A standout element at Nth Sense -

Analytics is provided for social media & especially for the surveys conducted that gives a detailed look into the results of the activities.

Also, the geographical requirement is considered for all the healthcare professionals and that being so, multilingual content is created whenever required.

The motive of Nth Sense behind all these efforts is just to make the pre and post connection of the patients with the doctors easy yet effective. Positive patient experience is what the aim is and positive word of mouth is what the by product is in total.

Know it from the professionals already on-board -

Nth Sense provides its patient engagement solutions to healthcare professionals from different domains such as dentistry, nutrition, yoga and fitness, etc.

We understand that reviews are more important than previews; that being so, mentioning here one out of many commendations from the doctors on board.

It is said that - A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!

Healthcare and strengthening its system is an extensive yet a substantial journey. Take your first step and embark on this journey with Nth Sense. Create your own experience of patient engagement and enhance your patient’s experience too.

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