Nutrition Advertising: Tips, Trends, and Marketing Ideas

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2022

The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition- Thomas Edison

Nutrition is that currency that ensures great health. Although processed food has been the first choice of many, recently, their ill effects have started coming to light. Owing to the awareness, many people are now shifting to a healthier, holistic lifestyle and eating habits. This is why there is no denying that the diet and nutrition industry is one of the fastest evolving and developing industries in today’s time. And as a brand involved in the diet, weight loss, health, or sports nutrition, you’ve to be quick on your feet with your nutrition marketing and advertising strategies to get noticed by health and fitness enthusiasts.

First thing first -

What is the main agenda of nutrition advertising?

To inspire target customers to become a healed, nourished, and healthier version of themselves by using your products or services.

Why invest in nutrition advertising?

According to recent market research by Technavio, the health and wellness market share is expected to increase by USD 1.39 trillion from 2020 to 2025, and the market’s growth momentum will accelerate at a CAGR of 6.29%.

Because of the exponential rise in this market, visibility of your nutritional products/services has become a prerequisite to sustain and grow in this business. On the other hand, there is an increase in lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity and other health problems, making people realise the importance of investing in health management.

Quick nutrition advertising tips -

  1. Define your target audience

Understanding the ‘demographics’ and ‘psychographics’ of your target audience is of utmost importance for a nutrition advertising plan to be successful. Doing so as a first step before designing and implementing the marketing campaigns, provides you a strategic advantage vis a vis other market players in your segment. Just imagine if you hold expertise in kids nutrition but are appearing in the searches of people looking for a cure to obesity; won’t be relevant right?

2. Underline your USP

While trying to opt for all ways of advertising, professionals often forget to bank on their USP. Sticking to your forte alone helps gain your clients trust and make your service memorable and recognizable in their eyes

3. Catch on a mix of content type

It’s no surprise that the entire clan is online; the only catch is if you have the right match of digital platforms with the right type of content. A dynamic content ecosystem can do wonders for your nutrition advertising. Quirky and relatable shares on social media descriptive blogs on your website, etc. can be some of the ways. The following could be some interesting ideas to mobilize nutritional marketing at its optimal level through content-

  • Video about Healthy recipes
  • Nutrition-based quizzes.
  • ‘Did you know?’ section with interesting facts about body & nutrition
  • Infographics on specific diet plans
  • Meal planning calendars

4.SEO for the win

Search Engine Optimization is the basic and most common criteria of online marketing of any business. It starts with the keyword game that helps you in attracting qualified traffic to your website. For instance, let us consider that your focus topic is weight loss plateau. While promoting, keyword planning will help you with the words that your target audiences might search for and appear right there.

Touching the trends in nutrition marketing

Nutrition marketing is becoming ever more dynamic utilizing various trends at its disposal. Following are some nutrition marketing trends that can be helpful to mobilize the potential client base & ensure a positive enrolment rate.

  1. Hungry for extra information

People today are constantly in search of health and nutrition-related information on the internet. By providing real-time information to educate these seekers adds value in both- your nutrition advertising and their information seeking.

2. Wearable tech.

Tie-ups with health and fitness wearable tech and collaborative branding with such entities can also develop the significance of nutrition and fitness in the minds of the targeted audience.

3. Catchy and relatable content

Social media is full of trends, hopping on the relevant ones once in a while can prove to be interesting for your targeted audience. Well, this is also termed moment marketing where people of almost all generations might relate.

Wondering where to begin?

Well, firstly don’t get overwhelmed with the fact that all of this is too much to do. You already have too much on your plate. This is where Nth Sense has made its significant mark. Be it a nutritionist, or a nutritional product manufacturer, Nth Sense’s state-of-the-art data-driven, SEO-enabled, analytical marketing campaigns bring the best nutritional advertising procedures to the forefront.

Let us together take your nutritional practice to the next level with the nutrition advertising support you were looking for. We are right here!

