Readying Your Immune Systems for the Monsoons

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2020

Immunity is the word which we have been listening all around.

While the vaccine for the virus still remains an unsolved medical science; The cure to the disease lies in the strong immunity of an individual. Efforts have been made by the medical practitioners and healthcare experts to propagate the concept of immunity and ways through which it can be strengthened.

But as much as the care is been taken to put out maximum information and awareness about the topic, it is creating chaos and confusion about the exact steps to be taken to strengthen the same.

With different medicines and homemade recipes popping out everywhere, knowing the exact science of immunity strengthening is the need of the hour.

Understanding Immunity & Immunity System:

Well, so what exactly is Immunity and how can we boost it to maintain overall strong immune system?

Medical science defines Immunity as “Protection or resistance against diseases or infection through antibodies or white blood cells”.Simply put, it is readying our body for the external and internal changes and guarding it against any unwanted infections/diseases.The immune system can be weakened due to various reasons, change in season being one of them.

As we are entering the monsoons, we need to have an eye on the associated infection threats that it brings along.

Monsoons & its Connections to the Diseases

Monsoon brings along the Aggravation and accumulation of doshas.

The air element of the body, known as Vatta accumulates during the dry or dehydrating heat of summer and it aggravates further during the rainy season causing weak digestion.While the fire element of the body, known as Pitta raises due to the acidic atmospheric condition and gas produced from the earth.

The balance of these two crucial elements is highly essential for a strong immunity. Imbalance in both vatta and pitta gives rise to low immunity and poor digestion. This in turn lowers the metabolism of our body.

How do we tackle the change in environment?

Although we are looking for the solution to safeguard our body elsewhere, the solutions lies in the way we consume our diet. With a complete and a proper diet one can easily maintain a good immune system and consequently metabolism. Indian food traditionally has had all the essential properties to take care of the Doshas.

A blog by Nth Sense

Nth Sense is an online platform that offers a plethora of information to help healthcare providers give positive experience to patients through various patient engagement activities. Nth Sense believes that everybody has the right to quality healthcare which also includes mental and emotional wellbeing. Nth Sense is striving to make healthcare more patient-centric in India through patient engagement. It provides various patient engagement solutions to healthcare professionals. The basic intention of Nth Sense is to reduce health expenses and focus more on precautions. Getting authentic information is difficult now-a-days because of forwarded messages on social media which may not necessarily be authentic. At Nth Sense, the authentic information comes from health experts. Moreover, Team Nth Sense conducts extensive reward based surveys which helps reduce health costs.

