Social Media For Doctors : Importance Of Timing Your Posts

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2022

We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it

~ Erik Qualman

Social media seems to be added to the traditional list of the new–age “basic needs’’. The use of social media is prevalent across all ages and professions all around the world. Nearly everyone with a smartphone is addicted to one or more social media platforms. Somewhere in that crowd are your patients and prospective patients.

On the other hand, social media provides HCPs with tools to share information, to debate health care policy and practice issues. It also enables them to promote health behaviours, to engage with the public, and to educate and interact with patients, caregivers, students, and colleagues. However, at the same time Social Media is relatively young but inexpensive. It continues to grow, change and evolve.

No wonder that many healthcare providers are perplexed. So here’s help.

It’s not just about posting, it is about timely posting!

According to the Digital 2020 Global Overview Report, out of the total population, which is 7.75 billion people, nearly half of them are present on social networks.

So, if you’re considering healthcare marketing, maintain the digital presence as actively as possible. However, it does not end here.

When it comes to social media for doctors, one of the main challenges is finding the right timing. It’s essential to figure out the time slots when your target patients are checking their social media feeds. Otherwise, only a few would see your posts; as simple!

Well, gone are the times when there were no tools to analyse your efforts. Infact today, each social media platform offers you insights of how your account is performing so that you can strategize accordingly. Afterall not one size fits all.

More about the importance of good timing

Simply posting updates on social media sites is great, but you can do something more to help these posts reach a larger audience and, therefore, create a bigger impact on your followers, likers, pinners, etc. Each social media site has its own, unique high and low traffic times. Thus, the same strategy which worked in the past might not even stay relevant today!

We live in the age of algorithms that require a more adaptable approach. So here are top 4 reasons that will help you understand the essence of timing-

  1. It increases your digital engagement rate increasing the overall impression of your social media accounts.
  2. It enhances the traffic to your website as you reach the target audience in their time.
  3. Timing can confound your assumptions and enlighten you with realistic ways to strategize.
  4. Most importantly, your efforts won’t go to waste; in fact you can work on quality instead of quantity once you get the trick.


| Unique | Relatable | Authentic | Consistent |

All things timely!

Though the benefits served by social media for doctors are immensely appreciated, there are certain don’ts which are sometimes more important than the dos.

Looking for expert assistance ? Nth Sense is your match!

With various patient engagement solutions, Nth Sense strategies for every healthcare provider and helps them in managing their online presence right from creating an account (if not already) to maintaining it with all the positive outcomes. It aids in effective doctor-patient communication across all the social media platforms.

A dedicated team works on the social media strategy that covers the making of the creative and using the apt hashtags while posting- ON RIGHT TIME. Visit Nth Sense to know more about how it works.

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