They’re Talking. Are You Listening? Improve Your relationships With Patient Insights

Feedback allows us to replace ‘the fear of illness’ with ‘trust in recovery!

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
3 min readAug 25, 2021


The importance of gathering feedback is momentous in almost all segments of society in one or another way. For eg. consider the entertainment industry; the moment any art piece is released, there is a pour down of reviews & feedbacks all over. This moment holds the potential to either make the art hit or flop. So is the power of feedback. Many things are dependent on it.

Well, this blog is about the healthcare industry. There are certain terminologies that play an influential role in this industry & become the deciding factors to the growth & status.

To name a few of them- Patient experience, patient satisfaction, patient engagement, happy patient, and etc. All of these are interlinked and ultimately can either strengthen or crumble the healthcare industry.

Let us today talk about Patient Feedback

Patient feedback has a direct relation to patient satisfaction. The more you focus on it, the more will be the insights, insights into patients & their experience about your service & care provided.

To know how this actually works, sharing below a link to the blog by Nth Sense, one of the leading patient engagement platforms that explicitly mention patient feedback as yet another name to insight into patient satisfaction.

Explore the potential of Patient Feedback for a healthcare provider here.

Feedback is nothing but simply asking the patients. Patients always talk; important is where! So if you give them a platform to share their opinion, they will directly talk to you.

But again here is a catch! There are types of feedback and yet types of patients. In the majority, patients are likely to hesitate & share their opinion directly with their own identity. In such cases, there are chances that they might not reveal their raw opinions & just say for the sake of saying.

So here comes into the picture the option of anonymity!

Benefits of keeping the feedback anonymous

There can be a long list of the benefits; penning down just the 3 uppermost ones-

1. Enables candid revelations-

Anonymity somehow gives the confidence to speak the mind & share without hesitation.

2. Increases the chances of patients to actually share some feedback-

Not all patients like to give their opinions but when they get a platform where they are heard but not by their name, a sense of willingness to share might develop.

3. Rise in insights for a healthcare provider-

More willing patients, more insights into the practice/care given by the professional. Thus, more scope to analyze.

Where will you find a platform that offers this powerful patient engagement solution?

At Nth Sense!

What is Nth Sense?

Nth Sense is one of the best & compassionate patient engagement platforms that aims to make healthcare a happy experience for all. Out of all other patient engagement solutions, Nth sense focuses on feedback just as a spotlight does on a performer- to better the performance!

There are 2 types of feedback offered by Nth Sense with the help of which any healthcare professionals can enhance their patients’ experience & thus their practice.

1. Online Feedback

Intelligently designed feedback forms that aim to make virtual feedback a happy & convenient experience for all.

2. Offline Feedback

Talking to a human instead of a device might be more comfortable & feel personalized right? Offline feedback suffices this need!

Feedback acts as a tool for a patient to speak & a healthcare provider to listen.

This builds a relationship & induces trust among both sides of the healthcare industry- the seekers & the providers.

Nth Sense endeavors to build the bridge via different patient engagement solutions.

