What happens when a doctor don’t keep communication intact with the patient?

Why keeping a constant touch with your patients holds prominence?

Yogesh Kumar
Nth Sense
4 min readDec 14, 2020


‘Medicine is an art whose magic and creative ability have long been recognized as residing in the interpersonal aspects of patient-physician relationship’.

When it is said that communication is the key to success, it applies to all the walks of life. And undeniably healthcare is one of the most important segments of the living which requires constant communication within the providers and the seekers in order to accomplish the good health goal. In fact, a doctor-patient relationship is the foundation of good healthcare and communication is the facilitator of this relationship.

The idea of viewing doctor-patient communication & their relationship as a key component of quality health care might not sound any new now. However, understanding the nitty-gritty of the topic is much more important than just knowing the outline.

doctor patient communication relationship engagement India key to success the nth sense healthcare professional expert

A healthcare professional might keep in touch with the patients/members who visit them regularly for reasons like treatment. But building a communication with the ones who are not in the zone of treatment becomes a task as there is no sufficient time and expertise to do so.

There are various boons of communication and banes of not keeping it which impacts the various aspects of health outcomes. Let us dive in a little deep into both the sides.

What happens when there is no communication between doctors and patients?

The rise in the use of the web has made the availability of any & all information over a single click possible. It has changed & took the healthcare scenario of the society to a risk. There are abundant influencers online who give advice over health which may not necessarily be authentic always.

Such a situation where there is a high possibility of doubts on health, demands professional expertise. And here comes in the picture of the importance of communication via all possible mediums.

When there is no proper communication-

1. Patients might get confused and tend to lose trust in their doctors.

2. Patients start finding alternate solutions over Google which is not 100% reliable all the time.

3. It distresses the treatment process when patients are not informed.

4. Despite the best cure provided, the patient might feel less involved in the treatment which eventually might reduce their confidence in their doctor.

5. Moreover, a patient might switch his healthcare provider which can disturb the treatment and a doctor’s reputation at times.

What does communication facilitate?

doctor patient communication relationship engagement India experience the nth sense healthcare professional expert

The boons of communication between a healthcare professional & a patient are as many as you can count. Following is the list of a few of them –

1. Patients feel valued and empowered.

2. Patient’s empowerment helps in making a personalized healthcare model, i.e. a patient specific care & treatment.

3. It builds trust about the doctors and their service in the minds of the patients.

4. Satisfaction and loyalty in the patients is enhanced which ultimately increases the retention rate.

5. Patients feel comfortable to express their health concerns without hesitation.

6. Accurate information shared by patients helps the professionals to analyze and treat effectively.

7. When a communication is done, patients get involved in their treatment and thus can make informed decisions.

8. It somewhere adds to the spread of positive word of mouth via patients in the people outside.


Effective communication between any healthcare professional and their patients has proven constructive every now and then. Thus, it can be said that the communication and the kind of relationship between the doctors & the patients will highly influence the future of healthcare.

How does Nth Sense help here?

Nth Sense knows the importance of doctor-patient communication as well as comprehends that today’s fast-paced healthcare environment brings in some challenges that become barriers to this communication. We understand how doctors like you find it difficult to keep in touch with your past and present patients.

Nth Sense solves this difficulty and helps the healthcare professionals to keep their communication intact with their patients despite them visiting regularly or not. We believe in strengthening the healthcare system and making it more patient-centric which ultimately enhances a doctor’s medical practice. All these activities are brought at ease by the patient engagement solutions at Nth Sense. Our service & your practice can together form a bridge of healthy communication between you and your patients.

